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Sonntag, 31. Januar 2016
Happy Birthday Franz Schubert!
Die höchste Begeisterung hat zum ganz Lächerlichen nur einen Schritt, so wie die tiefste Weisheit zur krassen Dummheit.
No one really understands the grief or joy of another. We always imagine that we are approaching some other, but our lines of travel are actually parallel.
Dort, wo du nicht bist, da ist das Glück.
Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.
Die Menschen muß man nehmen wie sie sind, nicht wie sie sein sollten.
You believe happiness to be derived from the place in which once you have been happy, but in truth it is centered in ourselves.
Meine Erzeugnisse sind durch den Verstand für Musik und durch meinen Schmerz vorhanden, jene, welche der Schmerz allein erzeugt hat, scheinen am wenigstens die Welt zu erfreuen.
Every night when I go to bed, I hope that I may never wake again, and every morning renews my grief.
Eine Schönheit soll den Menschen durch das ganze Leben begeistern, wahr ist es; doch soll der Schimmer dieser Begeisterung alles andere erhellen.
No one feels another's grief, no one understands another's joy. People imagine they can reach one another. In reality they only pass each other by.
Was sollten wir auch mit dem Glück anfangen, da Unglück noch der einzige Reiz ist, der uns übrig bleibt.
Nobody understands another's sorrow, and nobody another's joy.
Glücklich, der einen wahren Freund findet. Glücklicher, der in seinem Weibe einen wahren Freund findet.
Easy mind, light heart. A mind that is too easy hides a heart that is too heavy.
Keiner, der den Schmerz des andern, und keiner, der die Freude des andern versteht! Man glaubt immer zu einander zu gehen und man geht immer nur neben einander…
The greatest misfortune of the wise man and the greatest unhappiness of the fool are based upon convention.
Vernunft ist nichts anderes als die Analyse des Glaubens.
I try to decorate my imagination as much as I can.
Zu leichter Sinn birgt meistens ein zu schweres Herz.
There are two contrary impulses which govern this man's brain-the one sane, and the other eccentric. They alternate at regular intervals.
Nehmt die Menschen wie sie sind, nicht wie sie sein sollen.
When I wished to sing of love, it turned to sorrow. And when I wished to sing of sorrow, it was transformed for me into love.
Wer die Musik liebt, kann nie ganz unglücklich werden.
The world resembles a stage on which every man is playing a part.
Na, hör mal, ein Steinklopfer muß Steine klopfen, aber ich darf komponieren!
Why should the composer be more guilty than the poet who warms to fantasy by a strange flame, making an idea that inspires him the subject of his own very different treatment?
A man endures misfortune without complaint.
The manager is to be blamed who distributes parts to his players which they are unable to act.
There are eight girls in the house in which I am living, and practically all of them are good looking. You can realize that I am kept busy.
One bites into the brass mouthpiece of his wooden cudgel, and the other blows his cheeks out on a French horn. Do you call that Art?
I never force myself to be devout except when I feel so inspired, and never compose hymns of prayers unless I feel within me real and true devotion.
Our castle is not imposing, but is well built, and surrounded by a very fine garden. I live in the bailiff's house.
Why does God endow us with compassion?
I am composing like a god, as if it simply had to be done as it has been done.
The moment is supreme.
Above all things, I must not get angry. If I do get angry I knock all the teeth out of the mouth of the poor wretch who has angered me.
Approval or blame will follow in the world to come.
If only your pure and clean mind could touch me, dear Haydn, nobody has a greater reverence for you than I have.
No one really understands the grief or joy of another. We always imagine that we are approaching some other, but our lines of travel are actually parallel.
Dort, wo du nicht bist, da ist das Glück.
Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.
Die Menschen muß man nehmen wie sie sind, nicht wie sie sein sollten.
You believe happiness to be derived from the place in which once you have been happy, but in truth it is centered in ourselves.
Meine Erzeugnisse sind durch den Verstand für Musik und durch meinen Schmerz vorhanden, jene, welche der Schmerz allein erzeugt hat, scheinen am wenigstens die Welt zu erfreuen.
Every night when I go to bed, I hope that I may never wake again, and every morning renews my grief.
Eine Schönheit soll den Menschen durch das ganze Leben begeistern, wahr ist es; doch soll der Schimmer dieser Begeisterung alles andere erhellen.
No one feels another's grief, no one understands another's joy. People imagine they can reach one another. In reality they only pass each other by.
Was sollten wir auch mit dem Glück anfangen, da Unglück noch der einzige Reiz ist, der uns übrig bleibt.
Nobody understands another's sorrow, and nobody another's joy.
Glücklich, der einen wahren Freund findet. Glücklicher, der in seinem Weibe einen wahren Freund findet.
Easy mind, light heart. A mind that is too easy hides a heart that is too heavy.
Keiner, der den Schmerz des andern, und keiner, der die Freude des andern versteht! Man glaubt immer zu einander zu gehen und man geht immer nur neben einander…
The greatest misfortune of the wise man and the greatest unhappiness of the fool are based upon convention.
Vernunft ist nichts anderes als die Analyse des Glaubens.
I try to decorate my imagination as much as I can.
Zu leichter Sinn birgt meistens ein zu schweres Herz.
There are two contrary impulses which govern this man's brain-the one sane, and the other eccentric. They alternate at regular intervals.
Nehmt die Menschen wie sie sind, nicht wie sie sein sollen.
When I wished to sing of love, it turned to sorrow. And when I wished to sing of sorrow, it was transformed for me into love.
Wer die Musik liebt, kann nie ganz unglücklich werden.
The world resembles a stage on which every man is playing a part.
Na, hör mal, ein Steinklopfer muß Steine klopfen, aber ich darf komponieren!
Why should the composer be more guilty than the poet who warms to fantasy by a strange flame, making an idea that inspires him the subject of his own very different treatment?
A man endures misfortune without complaint.
The manager is to be blamed who distributes parts to his players which they are unable to act.
There are eight girls in the house in which I am living, and practically all of them are good looking. You can realize that I am kept busy.
One bites into the brass mouthpiece of his wooden cudgel, and the other blows his cheeks out on a French horn. Do you call that Art?
I never force myself to be devout except when I feel so inspired, and never compose hymns of prayers unless I feel within me real and true devotion.
Our castle is not imposing, but is well built, and surrounded by a very fine garden. I live in the bailiff's house.
Why does God endow us with compassion?
I am composing like a god, as if it simply had to be done as it has been done.
The moment is supreme.
Above all things, I must not get angry. If I do get angry I knock all the teeth out of the mouth of the poor wretch who has angered me.
Approval or blame will follow in the world to come.
If only your pure and clean mind could touch me, dear Haydn, nobody has a greater reverence for you than I have.
Montag, 25. Januar 2016
Happy Birthday Virginia Woolf!
The connection between dress and war is not far to seek; your finest clothes are those you wear as soldiers.
Ich habe Freunde verloren, manche durch natürlichen Tod... andere durch reine Unfähigkeit, die Straße zu überqueren.
It is fatal to be a man or woman pure and simple: one must be a woman manly, or a man womanly.
Der einzige Rat, den man jemand fürs Lesen geben kann, ist tatsächlich der, keinen Rat anzunehmen, dem eigenen Instinkt zu folgen, den eigenen Verstand zu gebrauchen und zu eigenen Schlussfolgerungen zu kommen.
To depend upon a profession is a less odious form of slavery than to depend upon a father.
Viele erfolgreiche Männer haben keine erfolgreichen Qualifikationen außer der, keine Frau zu sein.
I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.
Manchmal denke ich, der Himmel besteht aus ununterbrochenem, niemals ermüdendem Lesen.
The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity.
Für jeden, der schreibt, ist es fatal, an sein Geschlecht zu denken. Es ist fatal, einfach ein Mann oder eine Frau zu sein. Es wäre besser, Frau-männlich oder Mann-weiblich zu sein.
I read the book of Job last night, I don't think God comes out well in it.
Ethels neuer Hund ist tot. Die Wahrheit ist, kein Hund kann die Anstrengung aushalten, mit Ethel zu leben.
I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman.
Worte sind wild, frei, unverantwortlich und nicht zu lehren. Natürlich kann man sie einfangen, einsortieren und sie in alphabetischer Reihenfolge in Wörterbücher stecken. Aber dort leben sie nicht.
It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality.
Keine Leidenschaft ist stärker in der menschlichen Brust als das Verlangen, andere glauben zu machen, was man selbst glaubt.
Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory.
Kunst ist kein Abbild der realen Welt. Eine ist, bei Gott, mehr als genug.
Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.
Alles, was ich Ihnen sagen kann, ist, dass ich entdecke, als ich zu schreiben begann, dass eine Frau - es klingt so einfach, aber ich sollte mich schämen, Ihnen zu sagen, wie lange ich brauchte, das selbst zu entdecken- nicht ein Mann ist. Ihre Erfahrung ist nicht die gleiche. Ihre Traditionen sind anders. Ihre Werte, sowohl in der Kunst wie im Leben, sind ihre eigenen.
I want the concentration and the romance, and the worlds all glued together, fused, glowing: have no time to waste any more on prose.
Ihr Lachen war hinreißend, ein unerhörtes Lachen, fast wie das eines Kindes. Jauchzendes Lachen, wenn etwas sie amüsierte.
It is far more difficult to murder a phantom than a reality.
Warum sind Frauen für Männer soviel interessanter als Männer für Frauen?
That great Cathedral space which was childhood.
Letzte Nacht las ich im Buch Hiob. Ich habe nicht den Eindruck, daß Gott da gut wegkommt.
These are the soul's changes. I don't believe in ageing. I believe in forever altering one's aspect to the sun. Hence my optimism.
Wenn du nicht da bist, verschwindet die Farbe aus dem Leben, wie Wasser aus einem Schwamm; und ich existiere nur noch, trocken und staubig.
The poet gives us his essence, but prose takes the mold of the body and mind.
Männer nehmen die Welt nicht wahr, weil sie selber glauben, sie seien die Welt.
If we help an educated man's daughter to go to Cambridge are we not forcing her to think not about education but about war? - not how she can learn, but how she can fight in order that she might win the same advantages as her brothers?
Die außergewöhnliche Frau ist von der gewöhnlichen Frau abhängig.
A masterpiece is something said once and for all, stated, finished, so that it's there complete in the mind, if only at the back.
Das Verlangen zu lesen ist wie alle anderen Sehnsüchte, die unsere unglücklich Seele aufwühlen, der Analyse fähig.
Why are women... so much more interesting to men than men are to women?
Die größte Klugheit einer intelligenten Frau besteht darin, ihre Klugheit nicht zu zeigen.
The beautiful seems right by force of beauty, and the feeble wrong because of weakness.
Es scheint mir ganz unmöglich, Hosen zu tragen.
Language is wine upon the lips.
Die Sprache ist ein altes, zerissenes Netz, durch das die Fische schlüpfen, wenn man es über sie wirft.
I was in a queer mood, thinking myself very old: but now I am a woman again - as I always am when I write.
Wir wollen es nicht als selbsverständlich hinnehmen, dass das Leben sich voller in dem entfaltet, was man gewöhnlich für groß hält, als in dem, was man gewöhnlich für klein hält.
Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.
Ich möchte vermuten, daß dieser "Anonymus", der so viele Gedichte geschrieben hat, ohne sie zu singen, oft eine Frau gewesen ist.
It is the nature of the artist to mind excessively what is said about him. Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others.
Frauen waren jahrhundertelang ein Vergrößerungsspiegel, der es den Männern ermöglichte, sich selbst in doppelter Lebensgröße zu sehen.
Rigid, the skeleton of habit alone upholds the human frame.
Je älter man wird, desto mehr liebt man das Anstößige.
Great bodies of people are never responsible for what they do.
Es macht nichts, wenn es Fehlschüsse gibt und Ausrutscher. Wenn ich mit solch einem Tempo schreibe, muss ich meinen Gegenstand so schnell und direkt wie möglich treffen und muss also Worte packen, wählen und abschiessen, ohne mehr Zeit zu verlieren, als ich brauche, um meine Feder in die Tinte zu tauchen.
Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe.
Kunst ist kein Abbild der realen Welt. Eine ist, bei Gott, mehr als genug.
You send a boy to school in order to make friends - the right sort.
Die größte Klugheit einer klugen Frau besteht darin, ihre Klugheit nicht zu zeigen.
The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.
Man kann nicht gut denken, nicht gut lieben, nicht gut schlafen, wenn man nicht gut zu Abend gegessen hat.
Let a man get up and say, Behold, this is the truth, and instantly I perceive a sandy cat filching a piece of fish in the background. Look, you have forgotten the cat, I say.
Die Frau hat jahrhundertelang als Lupe gedient, welche die magische und köstliche Fähigkeit besaß,den Mann doppelt so groß zu zeigen,wie er von Natur aus ist.
Yet, it is true, poetry is delicious; the best prose is that which is most full of poetry.
Manche Leute gehen zu einem Priester, andere zur Poesie; ich zu meinen Freunden.
Masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.
Viele erfolgreiche Männer haben keinerlei sichtbare Qualifikationen außer der, keine Frau zu sein.
Life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.
Um die Freiheit zu genießen, müssen wir uns selbst beherrschen.
This is an important book, the critic assumes, because it deals with war. This is an insignificant book because it deals with the feelings of women in a drawing-room.
Wahrscheinlich hat der Geist jedes Menschen einen Platz in der Zeit zugewiesen bekommen; einige sind für dieses, andere für jenes Zeitalter geboren.
Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works.
For what Harley Street specialist has time to understand the body, let alone the mind or both in combination, when he is a slave to thirteen thousand a year?
It's not catastrophes, murders, deaths, diseases, that age and kill us; it's the way people look and laugh, and run up the steps of omnibuses.
Somewhere, everywhere, now hidden, now apparent in what ever is written down, is the form of a human being. If we seek to know him, are we idly occupied?
If one could be friendly with women, what a pleasure - the relationship so secret and private compared with relations with men. Why not write about it truthfully?
This is not writing at all. Indeed, I could say that Shakespeare surpasses literature altogether, if I knew what I meant.
My own brain is to me the most unaccountable of machinery - always buzzing, humming, soaring roaring diving, and then buried in mud. And why? What's this passion for?
This soul, or life within us, by no means agrees with the life outside us. If one has the courage to ask her what she thinks, she is always saying the very opposite to what other people say.
Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded.
Nothing induces me to read a novel except when I have to make money by writing about it. I detest them.
If you insist upon fighting to protect me, or 'our' country, let it be understood soberly and rationally between us that you are fighting to gratify a sex instinct which I cannot share; to procure benefits where I have not shared and probably will not share.
Almost any biographer, if he respects facts, can give us much more than another fact to add to our collection. He can give us the creative fact; the fertile fact; the fact that suggests and engenders.
For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in not out.
A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.
Once conform, once do what other people do because they do it, and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul. She becomes all outer show and inward emptiness; dull, callous, and indifferent.
Indeed, I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman.
One likes people much better when they're battered down by a prodigious siege of misfortune than when they triumph.
On the outskirts of every agony sits some observant fellow who points.
Humor is the first of the gifts to perish in a foreign tongue.
Sleep, that deplorable curtailment of the joy of life.
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
We can best help you to prevent war not by repeating your words and following your methods but by finding new words and creating new methods.
It is curious how instinctively one protects the image of oneself from idolatry or any other handling that could make it ridiculous, or too unlike the original to be believed any longer.
There can be no two opinions as to what a highbrow is. He is the man or woman of thoroughbred intelligence who rides his mind at a gallop across country in pursuit of an idea.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.
Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order.
The man who is aware of himself is henceforward independent; and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with a profound yet temperate happiness.
It seems as if an age of genius must be succeeded by an age of endeavour; riot and extravagance by cleanliness and hard work.
There is much to support the view that it is clothes that wear us, and not we, them; we may make them take the mould of arm or breast, but they mould our hearts, our brains, our tongues to their liking.
Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to him by his heart, and his friends can only read the title.
Boredom is the legitimate kingdom of the philanthropic.
Really I don't like human nature unless all candied over with art.
One has to secrete a jelly in which to slip quotations down people's throats - and one always secretes too much jelly.
When the shriveled skin of the ordinary is stuffed out with meaning, it satisfies the senses amazingly.
I can only note that the past is beautiful because one never realises an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don't have complete emotions about the present, only about the past.
Who shall measure the hat and violence of the poet's heart when caught and tangled in a woman's body?
Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more.
The older one grows, the more one likes indecency.
Arrange whatever pieces come your way.
Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others.
You cannot find peace by avoiding life.
Mental fight means thinking against the current, not with it. It is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the seeds of truth.
As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world.
The telephone, which interrupts the most serious conversations and cuts short the most weighty observations, has a romance of its own.
The beauty of the world, which is so soon to perish, has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.
We are nauseated by the sight of trivial personalities decomposing in the eternity of print.
Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so slightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners. Often the attachment is scarcely perceptible.
It is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.
One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.
The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself.
Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.
To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.
Ich habe Freunde verloren, manche durch natürlichen Tod... andere durch reine Unfähigkeit, die Straße zu überqueren.
It is fatal to be a man or woman pure and simple: one must be a woman manly, or a man womanly.
Der einzige Rat, den man jemand fürs Lesen geben kann, ist tatsächlich der, keinen Rat anzunehmen, dem eigenen Instinkt zu folgen, den eigenen Verstand zu gebrauchen und zu eigenen Schlussfolgerungen zu kommen.
To depend upon a profession is a less odious form of slavery than to depend upon a father.
Viele erfolgreiche Männer haben keine erfolgreichen Qualifikationen außer der, keine Frau zu sein.
I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.
Manchmal denke ich, der Himmel besteht aus ununterbrochenem, niemals ermüdendem Lesen.
The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity.
Für jeden, der schreibt, ist es fatal, an sein Geschlecht zu denken. Es ist fatal, einfach ein Mann oder eine Frau zu sein. Es wäre besser, Frau-männlich oder Mann-weiblich zu sein.
I read the book of Job last night, I don't think God comes out well in it.
Ethels neuer Hund ist tot. Die Wahrheit ist, kein Hund kann die Anstrengung aushalten, mit Ethel zu leben.
I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman.
Worte sind wild, frei, unverantwortlich und nicht zu lehren. Natürlich kann man sie einfangen, einsortieren und sie in alphabetischer Reihenfolge in Wörterbücher stecken. Aber dort leben sie nicht.
It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality.
Keine Leidenschaft ist stärker in der menschlichen Brust als das Verlangen, andere glauben zu machen, was man selbst glaubt.
Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory.
Kunst ist kein Abbild der realen Welt. Eine ist, bei Gott, mehr als genug.
Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.
Alles, was ich Ihnen sagen kann, ist, dass ich entdecke, als ich zu schreiben begann, dass eine Frau - es klingt so einfach, aber ich sollte mich schämen, Ihnen zu sagen, wie lange ich brauchte, das selbst zu entdecken- nicht ein Mann ist. Ihre Erfahrung ist nicht die gleiche. Ihre Traditionen sind anders. Ihre Werte, sowohl in der Kunst wie im Leben, sind ihre eigenen.
I want the concentration and the romance, and the worlds all glued together, fused, glowing: have no time to waste any more on prose.
Ihr Lachen war hinreißend, ein unerhörtes Lachen, fast wie das eines Kindes. Jauchzendes Lachen, wenn etwas sie amüsierte.
It is far more difficult to murder a phantom than a reality.
Warum sind Frauen für Männer soviel interessanter als Männer für Frauen?
That great Cathedral space which was childhood.
Letzte Nacht las ich im Buch Hiob. Ich habe nicht den Eindruck, daß Gott da gut wegkommt.
These are the soul's changes. I don't believe in ageing. I believe in forever altering one's aspect to the sun. Hence my optimism.
Wenn du nicht da bist, verschwindet die Farbe aus dem Leben, wie Wasser aus einem Schwamm; und ich existiere nur noch, trocken und staubig.
The poet gives us his essence, but prose takes the mold of the body and mind.
Männer nehmen die Welt nicht wahr, weil sie selber glauben, sie seien die Welt.
If we help an educated man's daughter to go to Cambridge are we not forcing her to think not about education but about war? - not how she can learn, but how she can fight in order that she might win the same advantages as her brothers?
Die außergewöhnliche Frau ist von der gewöhnlichen Frau abhängig.
A masterpiece is something said once and for all, stated, finished, so that it's there complete in the mind, if only at the back.
Das Verlangen zu lesen ist wie alle anderen Sehnsüchte, die unsere unglücklich Seele aufwühlen, der Analyse fähig.
Why are women... so much more interesting to men than men are to women?
Die größte Klugheit einer intelligenten Frau besteht darin, ihre Klugheit nicht zu zeigen.
The beautiful seems right by force of beauty, and the feeble wrong because of weakness.
Es scheint mir ganz unmöglich, Hosen zu tragen.
Language is wine upon the lips.
Die Sprache ist ein altes, zerissenes Netz, durch das die Fische schlüpfen, wenn man es über sie wirft.
I was in a queer mood, thinking myself very old: but now I am a woman again - as I always am when I write.
Wir wollen es nicht als selbsverständlich hinnehmen, dass das Leben sich voller in dem entfaltet, was man gewöhnlich für groß hält, als in dem, was man gewöhnlich für klein hält.
Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.
Ich möchte vermuten, daß dieser "Anonymus", der so viele Gedichte geschrieben hat, ohne sie zu singen, oft eine Frau gewesen ist.
It is the nature of the artist to mind excessively what is said about him. Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others.
Frauen waren jahrhundertelang ein Vergrößerungsspiegel, der es den Männern ermöglichte, sich selbst in doppelter Lebensgröße zu sehen.
Rigid, the skeleton of habit alone upholds the human frame.
Je älter man wird, desto mehr liebt man das Anstößige.
Great bodies of people are never responsible for what they do.
Es macht nichts, wenn es Fehlschüsse gibt und Ausrutscher. Wenn ich mit solch einem Tempo schreibe, muss ich meinen Gegenstand so schnell und direkt wie möglich treffen und muss also Worte packen, wählen und abschiessen, ohne mehr Zeit zu verlieren, als ich brauche, um meine Feder in die Tinte zu tauchen.
Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe.
Kunst ist kein Abbild der realen Welt. Eine ist, bei Gott, mehr als genug.
You send a boy to school in order to make friends - the right sort.
Die größte Klugheit einer klugen Frau besteht darin, ihre Klugheit nicht zu zeigen.
The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.
Man kann nicht gut denken, nicht gut lieben, nicht gut schlafen, wenn man nicht gut zu Abend gegessen hat.
Let a man get up and say, Behold, this is the truth, and instantly I perceive a sandy cat filching a piece of fish in the background. Look, you have forgotten the cat, I say.
Die Frau hat jahrhundertelang als Lupe gedient, welche die magische und köstliche Fähigkeit besaß,den Mann doppelt so groß zu zeigen,wie er von Natur aus ist.
Yet, it is true, poetry is delicious; the best prose is that which is most full of poetry.
Manche Leute gehen zu einem Priester, andere zur Poesie; ich zu meinen Freunden.
Masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.
Viele erfolgreiche Männer haben keinerlei sichtbare Qualifikationen außer der, keine Frau zu sein.
Life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.
Um die Freiheit zu genießen, müssen wir uns selbst beherrschen.
This is an important book, the critic assumes, because it deals with war. This is an insignificant book because it deals with the feelings of women in a drawing-room.
Wahrscheinlich hat der Geist jedes Menschen einen Platz in der Zeit zugewiesen bekommen; einige sind für dieses, andere für jenes Zeitalter geboren.
Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works.
For what Harley Street specialist has time to understand the body, let alone the mind or both in combination, when he is a slave to thirteen thousand a year?
It's not catastrophes, murders, deaths, diseases, that age and kill us; it's the way people look and laugh, and run up the steps of omnibuses.
Somewhere, everywhere, now hidden, now apparent in what ever is written down, is the form of a human being. If we seek to know him, are we idly occupied?
If one could be friendly with women, what a pleasure - the relationship so secret and private compared with relations with men. Why not write about it truthfully?
This is not writing at all. Indeed, I could say that Shakespeare surpasses literature altogether, if I knew what I meant.
My own brain is to me the most unaccountable of machinery - always buzzing, humming, soaring roaring diving, and then buried in mud. And why? What's this passion for?
This soul, or life within us, by no means agrees with the life outside us. If one has the courage to ask her what she thinks, she is always saying the very opposite to what other people say.
Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded.
Nothing induces me to read a novel except when I have to make money by writing about it. I detest them.
If you insist upon fighting to protect me, or 'our' country, let it be understood soberly and rationally between us that you are fighting to gratify a sex instinct which I cannot share; to procure benefits where I have not shared and probably will not share.
Almost any biographer, if he respects facts, can give us much more than another fact to add to our collection. He can give us the creative fact; the fertile fact; the fact that suggests and engenders.
For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in not out.
A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.
Once conform, once do what other people do because they do it, and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul. She becomes all outer show and inward emptiness; dull, callous, and indifferent.
Indeed, I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman.
One likes people much better when they're battered down by a prodigious siege of misfortune than when they triumph.
On the outskirts of every agony sits some observant fellow who points.
Humor is the first of the gifts to perish in a foreign tongue.
Sleep, that deplorable curtailment of the joy of life.
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
We can best help you to prevent war not by repeating your words and following your methods but by finding new words and creating new methods.
It is curious how instinctively one protects the image of oneself from idolatry or any other handling that could make it ridiculous, or too unlike the original to be believed any longer.
There can be no two opinions as to what a highbrow is. He is the man or woman of thoroughbred intelligence who rides his mind at a gallop across country in pursuit of an idea.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.
Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order.
The man who is aware of himself is henceforward independent; and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with a profound yet temperate happiness.
It seems as if an age of genius must be succeeded by an age of endeavour; riot and extravagance by cleanliness and hard work.
There is much to support the view that it is clothes that wear us, and not we, them; we may make them take the mould of arm or breast, but they mould our hearts, our brains, our tongues to their liking.
Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to him by his heart, and his friends can only read the title.
Boredom is the legitimate kingdom of the philanthropic.
Really I don't like human nature unless all candied over with art.
One has to secrete a jelly in which to slip quotations down people's throats - and one always secretes too much jelly.
When the shriveled skin of the ordinary is stuffed out with meaning, it satisfies the senses amazingly.
I can only note that the past is beautiful because one never realises an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don't have complete emotions about the present, only about the past.
Who shall measure the hat and violence of the poet's heart when caught and tangled in a woman's body?
Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more.
The older one grows, the more one likes indecency.
Arrange whatever pieces come your way.
Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others.
You cannot find peace by avoiding life.
Mental fight means thinking against the current, not with it. It is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the seeds of truth.
As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world.
The telephone, which interrupts the most serious conversations and cuts short the most weighty observations, has a romance of its own.
The beauty of the world, which is so soon to perish, has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.
We are nauseated by the sight of trivial personalities decomposing in the eternity of print.
Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so slightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners. Often the attachment is scarcely perceptible.
It is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.
One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.
The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself.
Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.
To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.
Sonntag, 24. Januar 2016
Happy Birthday E. T. A. Hoffmann!
Du schwimmst regungs- und bewegungslos wie in einem festgefrorenen Äther, der dich einpreßt, sodaß der Geist vergebens deinem toten Körper gebietet.
Why should not a writer be permitted to make use of the levers of fear, terror and horror because some feeble soul here and there finds it more than it can bear? Shall there be no strong meat at table because there happen to be some guests there whose stomachs are weak, or who have spoiled their own digestions?
“Erlaube," fuhr Meister Abraham fort, "erlaube, mein Johannes, mit dem Just magst du mich kaum vergleichen. Er rettete einen Pudel, ein Tier, das jeder gern um sich duldet, von dem sogar angenehme Dienstleistungen zu erwarten, mittelst Apportieren, Handschuhe-, Tabaksbeutel- und Pfeife-Nachtragen usw., aber ich rettete einen Kater, ein Tier, vonr dem sich viele entsetzen, das allgemein als perfid, keiner sanften, wohlwollenden Gesinnung, keiner offenherzigen Freundschaft fähig ausgeschrieen wird, das niemals ganz und gar die feindliche Stellung gegen den Mensch aufgibt, ja, einen Kater rettete ich aus purer uneigennütziger Menschenliebe ... Es ist das gescheiteste, artigste, ja witzigste Tier der Art, das man sehen kann, dem es nur noch an der höhern Bildung fehlt, die du, mein lieber Johannes, ihm mit leichter Mühe beibringen wirst.
Think of the wonderful circles in which our whole being moves and from which we cannot escape no matter how we try. The circler circles in these circles.
Den Fortschritt verdanken wir den Kurzschläfern. Langschläfer können nur bewahren.
Misty dreamers had not a chance with her; since, though she did not talk - talking would have been altogether repugnant to her silent nature.
Wer kann es sagen, wer nur ahnen, wie weit das Geistesvermögen der Tiere geht!
It is nearly always the most improbable things that really come to pass.
Es gibt eine innere Welt und die geistige Kraft, sie in voller Klarheit, in dem vollendetsten Glanze des regesten Lebens zu schauen, aber es ist unser irdisches Erbteil, daß eben die Außenwelt, in der wir eingeschachtet, als der Hebel wirkt, der jene Kraft in Bewegung setzt.
But if, like a bold painter, you had first sketched in a few audacious strokes the outline of the picture you had in your own soul, you would then easily have been able to deepen and intensify the colors one after the other, until the varied throng of living figures carried your friends away and they, like you, saw themselves in the midst of the scene that had proceeded out of your own soul.
…weil auch die höchsten Staatsbeamten nicht außer dem Gesetz gestellt sind, vielmehr demselben wie jeder andere Staatsbürger unterworfen sind.
She was not too tall, and of a voluptuous build, so that my eyes wandered amid many charms that hitherto had been strangers to them.
Des Dichters Schwert ist das Wort, der Gesang.
It was obvious from their expressions that they believed the wellbeing of R.’s inhabitants was endangered by my youth. The visit was very enjoyable, but the horror of the previous night still clung to me.
So stark ist der Zauber der Musik und, immer mächtiger werdend, musste er jede Fessel einer andern Kunst zerreißen.
Once you are dancing with the devil, the prettiest capers won't help you.
Mir geht es so wie vielen, die weit besser wissen, wofür sie die Leute halten, als was sie eigentlich sind!
There are... otherwise quite decent people who are so dull of nature that they believe that they must attribute the swift flight of fancy to some illness of the psyche, and thus it happens that this or that writer is said to create not other than while imbibing intoxicating drink or that his fantasies are the result of overexcited nerves and resulting fever. But who can fail to know that, while a state of psychical excitement caused by the one or other stimulant may indeed generate some lucky and brilliant ideas, it can never produce a well-founded, substantial work of art that requires the utmost presence of mind.
Wer wagt, durch das Reich der Träume zu schreiten, gelangt zur Wahrheit.
I may be permitted, kind reader, to doubt whether you have ever been enclosed in a glass bottle, unless some vivid dream has teased you with such magical mishaps.
Jeder, der mit einiger Phantasie begabt, soll, wie es in irgendeinem lebensklugheitsschweren Buch geschrieben steht, an einer Verrücktheit leiden, die immer steigt und schwindet, wie Flut und Ebbe.
None but a poet can understand a poet; none but a romantic spirit transported with poetry and consecrated in the Holy of Holies an comprehend what the ordained utters out of his inspiration.
Je mehr Kultur, desto weniger Freiheit, das ist ein wahres Wort.
Boys should not play with weapons more dangerous than they understand.
Die Musik schließt dem Menschen ein unbekanntes Reich auf, eine Welt, die nichts gemein hat mit der äußeren Sinnenwelt, die ihn umgibt und in der er alle bestimmten Gefühle zurückläßt, um sich einer unaussprechlichen Sehnsucht hinzugeben.
I wished I could read in their shrivelled faces and watery eyes, I wished I could hear in the bad French which came half through their pinched lips and half through their pointed noses, how the old ladies had got at least on to good terms with the uncanny beings which haunted the castle.
...dann die wunderbare Gabe, durch das einzige Wörtchen »Miau« Freude, Schmerz, Wonne und Entzücken, Angst und Verzweiflung, kurz alle Empfindungen und Leidenschaften auszudrücken. Was ist die Sprache der Menschen gegen dieses einfachste aller einfachen Mittel, sich verständlich zu machen!
Perhaps, too, you will then believe that nothing is more wonderful, nothing more fantastic than real life, and that all that a writer can do is to present it as "in a glass, darkly".
Des Menschen Wille ist ein gebrechliches Ding, oft knickt ihn ein daherziehendes Lüftchen.
In all probability, the man who found the horoscope would also catch Nut and Nutcracker. They had to believe all the more strongly in the astrologer’s new forecast since none of his predictions had ever come true. Sooner or later, his prognoses had to be right, given that the king, who could never be wrong, had made him his Grand Augur.
Man soll sein Herz an nichts hängen, sein Gemüt nicht hingeben dem Eindruck fremder Erregung.
How prone poor Humanity is to dam up the minutest remnants of its freedom, and build an artificial roof to prevent it looking up to the clear blue sky.
Die Musik schließt dem Menschen ein unbekanntes Reich auf, eine Welt, die nichts gemein hat mit der äußern Sinnenwelt, die ihn umgibt und in der er alle durch Begriffe bestimmbaren Gefühle zurückläßt, um sich dem Unaussprechlichen hinzugeben.
In such a dreamy mood one may find one may well wound one's feet against sharp stones, forget to doff one's hat to distinguished persons, bid one's friends good morning in the middle of the night, and dash one's head against the first front door one comes to, because one had forgot to open it; in short, the spirit wears one's body like an ill-fitting garment that is everywhere too wide, too long, too uncomfortable.
Schwierigkeiten scheinen nur da zu sein, um überwunden zu werden.
Let me ask you outright, gentle reader, if there have not been hours, indeed whole days and weeks of your life, during which all your usual activities were painfully repugnant, and everything you believed in and valued seemed foolish and worthless?
Das ist das wunderbare Geheimnis der Tonkunst, daß sie da, wo die arme Rede versiegt, erst eine unerschöpfliche Quelle der Ausdrucksmittel öffnet.
Poor, ill-advised Roderich! What evil power did you conjure up to poison in its first youth the race you thought to have planted for eternity?
Wer wagt, durch das Reich der Träume zu schreiten, gelangt zur Wahrheit.
Is it not in the most absolute simplicity that real genius plies its pinions the most wonderfully?
Eine Pfeife ohne Tabak ist wie ein Hirn ohne Ideen.
“It may be, after all," said the Student Anselmus to himself, "that the superfine stomachic liqueur, which I took somewhat freely in Monsieur Conradi's, might really be the cause of all these shocking phantasms, which tortured me so at Archivarius Lindhorst's door.
Wo die Sprache aufhört, fängt die Musik an.
Oh, where have you gone, you blissful dreams of future happiness.
Das Erste und Vorzüglichste in der Musik, welches mit wunderbarer Zauberkraft das menschliche Gemüt ergreift, ist die Melodie.
So Marie couldn't talk to anyone about her adventures, but the idea of that wonderful fairyland lingered on. She thought she heard murmurs of sweet sound, she saw it all again the moment she let her mind dwell on it, and so it was that instead of playing as usual she could sit still, never moving but deep in her own thoughts, with the result that she was scolded for being a little dreamer.
Keine Kunst geht so rein aus der innern Vergeistigung des Menschen hervor, keine Kunst bedarf so nur einzig rein geistiger, ätherischer Mittel als die Musik.
Not a single man on earth knows from his own experience the how and where of his birth, only from tradition, which is often very uncertain.
Die Musik bleibt allgemeine Sprache der Natur; in wunderbaren, geheimnisvollen Anklängen spricht sie zu uns, vergeblich ringen wir danach, diese in Zeichen festzubannen, und jenes künstliche Anreihen der Hieroglyphe enthält uns nur die Andeutung dessen, was wir erlauscht.
It is only in the morning that one should marry, read unfavourable reviews, make one's will, beat one's servants, and so forth.
Liebe und Kunst leben gegenseitig ineinander, wie Gehirn und Herz, beide einander zur Wechselstärkung eingeimpft.
It is useless to contend with the irresistible power of Time, which goes on continually creating by a process of constant destruction.
So stark ist der Zauber der Musik, und, immer mächtiger werdend, musste er jede Fessel einer andern Kunst zerreißen.
So true it is, that even the shortest step out of the immediate circle of one's best friends, is equal, in effect, to the remotest separation.
Ha, es ist was Göttliches um die Kunst, denn die Kunst, mein Herr, ist eigentlich nicht sowohl die Kunst, von der man so viel spricht, sondern sie entsteht vielmehr erst aus dem allen, was man die Kunst heißt!
Beethovens Musik bewegt die Hebel des Schauers, der Furcht, des Entsetzens und erweckt jene unendliche Sehnsucht, die das Wesen der Romantik ist.
Ich bin das, was ich scheine, und scheine das nicht, was ich bin, mir selbst ein unerklärlich Rätsel, bin ich entzweit mit meinem Ich!
Why should not a writer be permitted to make use of the levers of fear, terror and horror because some feeble soul here and there finds it more than it can bear? Shall there be no strong meat at table because there happen to be some guests there whose stomachs are weak, or who have spoiled their own digestions?
“Erlaube," fuhr Meister Abraham fort, "erlaube, mein Johannes, mit dem Just magst du mich kaum vergleichen. Er rettete einen Pudel, ein Tier, das jeder gern um sich duldet, von dem sogar angenehme Dienstleistungen zu erwarten, mittelst Apportieren, Handschuhe-, Tabaksbeutel- und Pfeife-Nachtragen usw., aber ich rettete einen Kater, ein Tier, vonr dem sich viele entsetzen, das allgemein als perfid, keiner sanften, wohlwollenden Gesinnung, keiner offenherzigen Freundschaft fähig ausgeschrieen wird, das niemals ganz und gar die feindliche Stellung gegen den Mensch aufgibt, ja, einen Kater rettete ich aus purer uneigennütziger Menschenliebe ... Es ist das gescheiteste, artigste, ja witzigste Tier der Art, das man sehen kann, dem es nur noch an der höhern Bildung fehlt, die du, mein lieber Johannes, ihm mit leichter Mühe beibringen wirst.
Think of the wonderful circles in which our whole being moves and from which we cannot escape no matter how we try. The circler circles in these circles.
Den Fortschritt verdanken wir den Kurzschläfern. Langschläfer können nur bewahren.
Misty dreamers had not a chance with her; since, though she did not talk - talking would have been altogether repugnant to her silent nature.
Wer kann es sagen, wer nur ahnen, wie weit das Geistesvermögen der Tiere geht!
It is nearly always the most improbable things that really come to pass.
Es gibt eine innere Welt und die geistige Kraft, sie in voller Klarheit, in dem vollendetsten Glanze des regesten Lebens zu schauen, aber es ist unser irdisches Erbteil, daß eben die Außenwelt, in der wir eingeschachtet, als der Hebel wirkt, der jene Kraft in Bewegung setzt.
But if, like a bold painter, you had first sketched in a few audacious strokes the outline of the picture you had in your own soul, you would then easily have been able to deepen and intensify the colors one after the other, until the varied throng of living figures carried your friends away and they, like you, saw themselves in the midst of the scene that had proceeded out of your own soul.
…weil auch die höchsten Staatsbeamten nicht außer dem Gesetz gestellt sind, vielmehr demselben wie jeder andere Staatsbürger unterworfen sind.
She was not too tall, and of a voluptuous build, so that my eyes wandered amid many charms that hitherto had been strangers to them.
Des Dichters Schwert ist das Wort, der Gesang.
It was obvious from their expressions that they believed the wellbeing of R.’s inhabitants was endangered by my youth. The visit was very enjoyable, but the horror of the previous night still clung to me.
So stark ist der Zauber der Musik und, immer mächtiger werdend, musste er jede Fessel einer andern Kunst zerreißen.
Once you are dancing with the devil, the prettiest capers won't help you.
Mir geht es so wie vielen, die weit besser wissen, wofür sie die Leute halten, als was sie eigentlich sind!
There are... otherwise quite decent people who are so dull of nature that they believe that they must attribute the swift flight of fancy to some illness of the psyche, and thus it happens that this or that writer is said to create not other than while imbibing intoxicating drink or that his fantasies are the result of overexcited nerves and resulting fever. But who can fail to know that, while a state of psychical excitement caused by the one or other stimulant may indeed generate some lucky and brilliant ideas, it can never produce a well-founded, substantial work of art that requires the utmost presence of mind.
Wer wagt, durch das Reich der Träume zu schreiten, gelangt zur Wahrheit.
I may be permitted, kind reader, to doubt whether you have ever been enclosed in a glass bottle, unless some vivid dream has teased you with such magical mishaps.
Jeder, der mit einiger Phantasie begabt, soll, wie es in irgendeinem lebensklugheitsschweren Buch geschrieben steht, an einer Verrücktheit leiden, die immer steigt und schwindet, wie Flut und Ebbe.
None but a poet can understand a poet; none but a romantic spirit transported with poetry and consecrated in the Holy of Holies an comprehend what the ordained utters out of his inspiration.
Je mehr Kultur, desto weniger Freiheit, das ist ein wahres Wort.
Boys should not play with weapons more dangerous than they understand.
Die Musik schließt dem Menschen ein unbekanntes Reich auf, eine Welt, die nichts gemein hat mit der äußeren Sinnenwelt, die ihn umgibt und in der er alle bestimmten Gefühle zurückläßt, um sich einer unaussprechlichen Sehnsucht hinzugeben.
I wished I could read in their shrivelled faces and watery eyes, I wished I could hear in the bad French which came half through their pinched lips and half through their pointed noses, how the old ladies had got at least on to good terms with the uncanny beings which haunted the castle.
...dann die wunderbare Gabe, durch das einzige Wörtchen »Miau« Freude, Schmerz, Wonne und Entzücken, Angst und Verzweiflung, kurz alle Empfindungen und Leidenschaften auszudrücken. Was ist die Sprache der Menschen gegen dieses einfachste aller einfachen Mittel, sich verständlich zu machen!
Perhaps, too, you will then believe that nothing is more wonderful, nothing more fantastic than real life, and that all that a writer can do is to present it as "in a glass, darkly".
Des Menschen Wille ist ein gebrechliches Ding, oft knickt ihn ein daherziehendes Lüftchen.
In all probability, the man who found the horoscope would also catch Nut and Nutcracker. They had to believe all the more strongly in the astrologer’s new forecast since none of his predictions had ever come true. Sooner or later, his prognoses had to be right, given that the king, who could never be wrong, had made him his Grand Augur.
Man soll sein Herz an nichts hängen, sein Gemüt nicht hingeben dem Eindruck fremder Erregung.
How prone poor Humanity is to dam up the minutest remnants of its freedom, and build an artificial roof to prevent it looking up to the clear blue sky.
Die Musik schließt dem Menschen ein unbekanntes Reich auf, eine Welt, die nichts gemein hat mit der äußern Sinnenwelt, die ihn umgibt und in der er alle durch Begriffe bestimmbaren Gefühle zurückläßt, um sich dem Unaussprechlichen hinzugeben.
In such a dreamy mood one may find one may well wound one's feet against sharp stones, forget to doff one's hat to distinguished persons, bid one's friends good morning in the middle of the night, and dash one's head against the first front door one comes to, because one had forgot to open it; in short, the spirit wears one's body like an ill-fitting garment that is everywhere too wide, too long, too uncomfortable.
Schwierigkeiten scheinen nur da zu sein, um überwunden zu werden.
Let me ask you outright, gentle reader, if there have not been hours, indeed whole days and weeks of your life, during which all your usual activities were painfully repugnant, and everything you believed in and valued seemed foolish and worthless?
Das ist das wunderbare Geheimnis der Tonkunst, daß sie da, wo die arme Rede versiegt, erst eine unerschöpfliche Quelle der Ausdrucksmittel öffnet.
Poor, ill-advised Roderich! What evil power did you conjure up to poison in its first youth the race you thought to have planted for eternity?
Wer wagt, durch das Reich der Träume zu schreiten, gelangt zur Wahrheit.
Is it not in the most absolute simplicity that real genius plies its pinions the most wonderfully?
Eine Pfeife ohne Tabak ist wie ein Hirn ohne Ideen.
“It may be, after all," said the Student Anselmus to himself, "that the superfine stomachic liqueur, which I took somewhat freely in Monsieur Conradi's, might really be the cause of all these shocking phantasms, which tortured me so at Archivarius Lindhorst's door.
Wo die Sprache aufhört, fängt die Musik an.
Oh, where have you gone, you blissful dreams of future happiness.
Das Erste und Vorzüglichste in der Musik, welches mit wunderbarer Zauberkraft das menschliche Gemüt ergreift, ist die Melodie.
So Marie couldn't talk to anyone about her adventures, but the idea of that wonderful fairyland lingered on. She thought she heard murmurs of sweet sound, she saw it all again the moment she let her mind dwell on it, and so it was that instead of playing as usual she could sit still, never moving but deep in her own thoughts, with the result that she was scolded for being a little dreamer.
Keine Kunst geht so rein aus der innern Vergeistigung des Menschen hervor, keine Kunst bedarf so nur einzig rein geistiger, ätherischer Mittel als die Musik.
Not a single man on earth knows from his own experience the how and where of his birth, only from tradition, which is often very uncertain.
Die Musik bleibt allgemeine Sprache der Natur; in wunderbaren, geheimnisvollen Anklängen spricht sie zu uns, vergeblich ringen wir danach, diese in Zeichen festzubannen, und jenes künstliche Anreihen der Hieroglyphe enthält uns nur die Andeutung dessen, was wir erlauscht.
It is only in the morning that one should marry, read unfavourable reviews, make one's will, beat one's servants, and so forth.
Liebe und Kunst leben gegenseitig ineinander, wie Gehirn und Herz, beide einander zur Wechselstärkung eingeimpft.
It is useless to contend with the irresistible power of Time, which goes on continually creating by a process of constant destruction.
So stark ist der Zauber der Musik, und, immer mächtiger werdend, musste er jede Fessel einer andern Kunst zerreißen.
So true it is, that even the shortest step out of the immediate circle of one's best friends, is equal, in effect, to the remotest separation.
Ha, es ist was Göttliches um die Kunst, denn die Kunst, mein Herr, ist eigentlich nicht sowohl die Kunst, von der man so viel spricht, sondern sie entsteht vielmehr erst aus dem allen, was man die Kunst heißt!
Beethovens Musik bewegt die Hebel des Schauers, der Furcht, des Entsetzens und erweckt jene unendliche Sehnsucht, die das Wesen der Romantik ist.
Ich bin das, was ich scheine, und scheine das nicht, was ich bin, mir selbst ein unerklärlich Rätsel, bin ich entzweit mit meinem Ich!
Happy Birthday Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais!
I hasten to laugh at everything, for fear of being obliged to weep.
Die Liebe ist eine Ausdehnung der Eigenliebe auf das, was wir unser für würdig erachten.
It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.
Ich beeile mich, über alles zu lachen, um nicht gezwungen zu sein, darüber zu weinen.
As long as I don't write about the government, religion, politics, and other institutions, I am free to print anything.
Ich bin davon überzeugt, daß große Herren uns schon genug Gutes tun, wenn sie uns nicht Böses erweisen.
I quickly laugh at everything for fear of having to cry.
Weil die Klügeren nachgeben, herrschen soviele Dumme.
If a thing isn't worth saying, you sing it.
Was ist ein Edelmann? Ein Mensch, der sich der Mühe unterzog, geboren zu werden.
I grant men the land, the government, the wealth, all the chances. I accept that you have to hold all the cards, since that's the only way you know how to play; but I refuse to swallow your disrespect.
Jeder Mensch ist immer jemandes Kind.
Because you are a great lord, you believe yourself to be a great genius. You took the trouble to be born, but no more.
Irgend etwas bleibt immer haften.
Nowadays what isn't worth saying is sung.
Sachkenntnis ist das letzte, was man für eine lebhafte Diskussion benötigt.
These days what's not worth saying gets set to music.
Selbst in den höchsten Ständen genießt die Frau nur eine geheuchelte Achtung, zum Schein gehätschelt, in Wahrheit geknechtet, als unmündig in ihrem Vermögen angesehen, als volljährig nur in der Verantwortung für ihre Fehler.
Drinking when we are not thirsty and making love at all seasons, madam: that is all there is to distinguish us from other animals.
Warum suchen wir das Vergnügen bei anderen Frauen? Weil die eigene nicht die Kunst versteht, sich zu erneuern.
Vilify, Vilify, some of it will always stick.
So wie es Torheiten gibt, welche mit der Zeit zu Weisheitssätzen werden, und Lügen, aus denen große Wahrheiten hervorgehen, so gibt es umgekehrt auch Wahrheiten, die sich im Laufe der Jahre zu dicken, dummen Lügen verwandeln.
Where love is concerned, too much is never enough.
Wenn eine Medizin nicht schadet, soll man froh sein und nicht obendrein noch verlangen, dass sie etwas nütze.
A great man is doing you enough good when he isn't doing you harm.
Mittelmäßig und kriechend, so gelangt man zu allem.
Trinken ohne Durst und sich paaren in jeder Saison ist das, was uns von den Tieren unterscheidet.
Man brauchte einen Rechner, ein Tänzer erhielt die Stelle.
Gelegenheit zum Fortkommen? Mittelmäßig und kriechend.
In der Liebe ist zuviel nicht annähernd genug.
Man macht der Natur die Vorwürfe, die man sich selbst ersparen will.
Was heutzutage nicht wert ist, gesagt zu werden, wird gesungen.
Die Lebensregeln stellen die Weisheit der Nationen dar.
Beweisen zu wollen, daß ich Recht habe, hieße zugeben, daß ich Unrecht haben kann.
Auch wenn man nichts davon versteht, kann man gut darüber streiten.
Die Liebe ist eine Ausdehnung der Eigenliebe auf das, was wir unser für würdig erachten.
It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.
Ich beeile mich, über alles zu lachen, um nicht gezwungen zu sein, darüber zu weinen.
As long as I don't write about the government, religion, politics, and other institutions, I am free to print anything.
Ich bin davon überzeugt, daß große Herren uns schon genug Gutes tun, wenn sie uns nicht Böses erweisen.
I quickly laugh at everything for fear of having to cry.
Weil die Klügeren nachgeben, herrschen soviele Dumme.
If a thing isn't worth saying, you sing it.
Was ist ein Edelmann? Ein Mensch, der sich der Mühe unterzog, geboren zu werden.
I grant men the land, the government, the wealth, all the chances. I accept that you have to hold all the cards, since that's the only way you know how to play; but I refuse to swallow your disrespect.
Jeder Mensch ist immer jemandes Kind.
Because you are a great lord, you believe yourself to be a great genius. You took the trouble to be born, but no more.
Irgend etwas bleibt immer haften.
Nowadays what isn't worth saying is sung.
Sachkenntnis ist das letzte, was man für eine lebhafte Diskussion benötigt.
These days what's not worth saying gets set to music.
Selbst in den höchsten Ständen genießt die Frau nur eine geheuchelte Achtung, zum Schein gehätschelt, in Wahrheit geknechtet, als unmündig in ihrem Vermögen angesehen, als volljährig nur in der Verantwortung für ihre Fehler.
Drinking when we are not thirsty and making love at all seasons, madam: that is all there is to distinguish us from other animals.
Warum suchen wir das Vergnügen bei anderen Frauen? Weil die eigene nicht die Kunst versteht, sich zu erneuern.
Vilify, Vilify, some of it will always stick.
So wie es Torheiten gibt, welche mit der Zeit zu Weisheitssätzen werden, und Lügen, aus denen große Wahrheiten hervorgehen, so gibt es umgekehrt auch Wahrheiten, die sich im Laufe der Jahre zu dicken, dummen Lügen verwandeln.
Where love is concerned, too much is never enough.
Wenn eine Medizin nicht schadet, soll man froh sein und nicht obendrein noch verlangen, dass sie etwas nütze.
A great man is doing you enough good when he isn't doing you harm.
Mittelmäßig und kriechend, so gelangt man zu allem.
Trinken ohne Durst und sich paaren in jeder Saison ist das, was uns von den Tieren unterscheidet.
Man brauchte einen Rechner, ein Tänzer erhielt die Stelle.
Gelegenheit zum Fortkommen? Mittelmäßig und kriechend.
In der Liebe ist zuviel nicht annähernd genug.
Man macht der Natur die Vorwürfe, die man sich selbst ersparen will.
Was heutzutage nicht wert ist, gesagt zu werden, wird gesungen.
Die Lebensregeln stellen die Weisheit der Nationen dar.
Beweisen zu wollen, daß ich Recht habe, hieße zugeben, daß ich Unrecht haben kann.
Auch wenn man nichts davon versteht, kann man gut darüber streiten.
Samstag, 23. Januar 2016
Happy Birthday Richard Dean Anderson!
I always sort of swooned at the sight of the classic barn structures in central and northern Minnesota, where everything seemed rustic and weathered and made to age gracefully.
Being away from her is torturous and I'd much prefer to be with her. So I just try to get out of here as soon as I can. I make sure I do my job real well and fast.
There's editing, and scripts to read and edit, and casting, and all the elements of production that just sort of take up the normal downtime that you would have as an actor. So there's not a lot of that for me.
At a time when I had very little business being called an actor, he made things so easy for me. It was a learning experience that was very warm and loving for all seven years.
The younger the fan I can have, the better. I love talking to kids.
I've been working with them for a couple years and a couple of projects. Essentially Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is the chief litigator for this corporation, this Alliance, and their job is to prosecute corporate polluters of the great bodies of water in North America.
Dogs are my favorite people.
I don't want to have children...I want to date them!
I've also been working with the Challengers Club in the inner city of Los Angeles for 15 years now, I guess, and it's essentially an inner-city recreation club for boys and girls.
Nothing. We're all friends and friendly. So when the cameras go down, depending on the mood or the nature of the material we're dealing with, there's usually a kind of a prevailing light attitude that's floating around.
But my answer to that question would have to be, aside from the obvious, which is the people and the relationships that you garner over a long period of time but the catering. The catering. They're the best. So it's the food.
So it allows me to travel, I'll be doing that and running these great rivers and doing what I've done in the past without much purpose other than for the experience.
We're loosely calling it The River Project, but hopefully the pieces that we put together will be educational pieces that will throw some light on the situation as to what kind of jeopardy may be surrounding our great rivers.
That was fun to play. There were some nice special effects coupled with some really nice moments with child and wife. I also was able to age to about 100 years in 'Brief Candle.'
Being a father, well, I don't know if this is a change, but it makes me want to get out of here faster. Get off the clock. Just 'cause the baby is my reason for living, my reason for coming to work.
Usually the science-fiction fan has some indication they're a sci-fi fan and, therefore, a 'Stargate' fan. In other words, they could be wearing a rubber head or some kind of costume or just a T-shirt that gives them away.
I've been working with them for a couple years and a couple of projects. Essentially Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is the chief litigator for this corporation, this Alliance, and their job is to prosecute corporate polluters of the great bodies of water in North America.
Being away from her is torturous and I'd much prefer to be with her. So I just try to get out of here as soon as I can. I make sure I do my job real well and fast.
They are a fairly aggressive conservation organization that was started to protect the great whales particularly, but in general all marine life around the world. So those are the people I'm trying to attach my name to.
Nothing. We're all friends and friendly. So when the cameras go down, depending on the mood or the nature of the material we're dealing with, there's usually a kind of a prevailing light attitude that's floating around.
I'm not big on reading directions. I can't do that. I'm just not from that world.
My back has been compressed and operated on, my feet have been surgically cut up, and I have a knee that's just going wacky. So I do my own driving, and I ski and skate. I'm playing hockey again. Anything that immobilizes my feet I'm OK with.
As far as the future for the Showtime episodes that have already aired, we are sold into syndication so we'll be appearing primarily on the Fox syndicated networks and then eventually the SCI FI Channel. So, we'll be around for a while.
You have to suspend disbelief a little bit to buy into your situation and to the story and to how the character will react. You have to tweak your credibility a little bit, is basically what it comes down to.
Oh, who am I trying to kid? It's a madhouse. The minute those cameras go off, things just explode, everyone is just at each other in one way or another, in closets or cat fights here and there. It's nuts. You know, I can't be a part of it.
I've had a quiet fascination with New Zealand for most of my life.
So it allows me to travel, I'll be doing that and running these great rivers and doing what I've done in the past without much purpose other than for the experience.
My morning ritual is to get up and feed the dogs, take my daughter to school, and come home.
Being away from her is torturous and I'd much prefer to be with her. So I just try to get out of here as soon as I can. I make sure I do my job real well and fast.
There's editing, and scripts to read and edit, and casting, and all the elements of production that just sort of take up the normal downtime that you would have as an actor. So there's not a lot of that for me.
At a time when I had very little business being called an actor, he made things so easy for me. It was a learning experience that was very warm and loving for all seven years.
The younger the fan I can have, the better. I love talking to kids.
I've been working with them for a couple years and a couple of projects. Essentially Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is the chief litigator for this corporation, this Alliance, and their job is to prosecute corporate polluters of the great bodies of water in North America.
Dogs are my favorite people.
I don't want to have children...I want to date them!
I've also been working with the Challengers Club in the inner city of Los Angeles for 15 years now, I guess, and it's essentially an inner-city recreation club for boys and girls.
Nothing. We're all friends and friendly. So when the cameras go down, depending on the mood or the nature of the material we're dealing with, there's usually a kind of a prevailing light attitude that's floating around.
But my answer to that question would have to be, aside from the obvious, which is the people and the relationships that you garner over a long period of time but the catering. The catering. They're the best. So it's the food.
So it allows me to travel, I'll be doing that and running these great rivers and doing what I've done in the past without much purpose other than for the experience.
We're loosely calling it The River Project, but hopefully the pieces that we put together will be educational pieces that will throw some light on the situation as to what kind of jeopardy may be surrounding our great rivers.
That was fun to play. There were some nice special effects coupled with some really nice moments with child and wife. I also was able to age to about 100 years in 'Brief Candle.'
Being a father, well, I don't know if this is a change, but it makes me want to get out of here faster. Get off the clock. Just 'cause the baby is my reason for living, my reason for coming to work.
Usually the science-fiction fan has some indication they're a sci-fi fan and, therefore, a 'Stargate' fan. In other words, they could be wearing a rubber head or some kind of costume or just a T-shirt that gives them away.
I've been working with them for a couple years and a couple of projects. Essentially Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is the chief litigator for this corporation, this Alliance, and their job is to prosecute corporate polluters of the great bodies of water in North America.
Being away from her is torturous and I'd much prefer to be with her. So I just try to get out of here as soon as I can. I make sure I do my job real well and fast.
They are a fairly aggressive conservation organization that was started to protect the great whales particularly, but in general all marine life around the world. So those are the people I'm trying to attach my name to.
Nothing. We're all friends and friendly. So when the cameras go down, depending on the mood or the nature of the material we're dealing with, there's usually a kind of a prevailing light attitude that's floating around.
I'm not big on reading directions. I can't do that. I'm just not from that world.
My back has been compressed and operated on, my feet have been surgically cut up, and I have a knee that's just going wacky. So I do my own driving, and I ski and skate. I'm playing hockey again. Anything that immobilizes my feet I'm OK with.
As far as the future for the Showtime episodes that have already aired, we are sold into syndication so we'll be appearing primarily on the Fox syndicated networks and then eventually the SCI FI Channel. So, we'll be around for a while.
You have to suspend disbelief a little bit to buy into your situation and to the story and to how the character will react. You have to tweak your credibility a little bit, is basically what it comes down to.
Oh, who am I trying to kid? It's a madhouse. The minute those cameras go off, things just explode, everyone is just at each other in one way or another, in closets or cat fights here and there. It's nuts. You know, I can't be a part of it.
I've had a quiet fascination with New Zealand for most of my life.
So it allows me to travel, I'll be doing that and running these great rivers and doing what I've done in the past without much purpose other than for the experience.
My morning ritual is to get up and feed the dogs, take my daughter to school, and come home.
Freitag, 22. Januar 2016
Happy Birthday Gotthold Ephraim Lessing!
Der mitleidigste Mensch ist der beste Mensch, zu allen gesellschaftlichen Tugenden, zu allen Arten Großmut der aufgelegteste. Wer uns also mitleidig macht, macht uns besser und tugendhafter.
For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity.
Es muß entweder gar keine Wahrheit sein, oder sie muß von der Beschaffenheit sein, daß sie von den meisten, ja von allen, wenigstens im wesentlichen empfunden werden kann.
For the will and not the gift makes the giver.
Ein unbekanner Freund ist auch ein Freund.
They make glorious shipwreck who are lost in seeking worlds.
Furcht und Hoffnung tut bei den verderbten Menschen allezeit mehr als Scham und Ehrliebe.
A single grateful thought toward heaven is the most perfect prayer.
Die Gewalt ihrer Reize zu verdoppeln, gab die Natur dem Weibe die Scham, die holdseligste der Grazien.
Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for yourself.
Die Großmut muß eine beständige Eigenschaft der Seele sein und ihr nicht nur ruckweise entfahren.
Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy.
Das wahre Genie arbeitet gleich einem reißenden Strome sich selbst seinen Weg durch die größten Hindernisse.
If some things don't make you lose your sense of reason, then you have none to lose.
Alle Dichter wollen weniger gelobt und fleißiger gelesen sein.
The most deadly fruit is borne by the hatred which one grafts on an extinguished friendship.
Das Wort Zufall ist Gotteslästerung; nichts unter der Sonne ist Zufall; am wenigsten das, wovon die Absicht so klar in die Augen leuchtet.
Absolute truth belongs to Thee alone.
Entschluß ist Vorsatz, Tat.
A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.
Deine Begierden und dein Geschmack sind jetzt deine Tyrannen. Laß es gut sein; man muß sie sich austoben lassen. Sich ihnen zu widersetzen ist Torheit. Sie werden am sichersten eingeschläfert, wenn man ihnen freies Feld läßt.
It is not the truth that a man possesses, or believes that he possesses, but the earnest effort which he puts forward to reach the truth, which constitutes the worth of a man.
Alle großen Männer sind bescheiden.
He who doesn't lose his wits over certain things has no wits to lose.
Der aus Büchern erworbene Reichtum fremder Erfahrung heißt Gelehrsamkeit. Eigene Erfahrung ist Weisheit. Das kleinste Kapital von dieser ist mehrt wert, als Millionen von jener.
One can drink too much, but one never drinks enough.
Allein die Liebe –, hat sie nicht jedes Jahrhundert eine andere Gestalt? Man hat angemerkt, daß sie in den barbarischen Zeiten ungemein bescheiden, ehrerbietig, und bis zur Schwärmerei züchtig und beständig gewesen ist; es waren die Zeiten der irrenden Ritter, in den Zeiten hingegen, in welchen sich Witz und Geschmack aus dem Bezirke der Künste und Wissenschaften bis in den Bezirk die Sitten ausgebreitet hatten, waren sie immer kühn, flatterhaft schlüpfricht, und schweiften wohl gar aus dem Gleise der Natur ein wenig aus.
Let the devil catch you but by a single hair, and you are his forever.
Der Wille und nicht die Gabe macht den Geber.
Would that we could at once paint with the eyes! In the long way from the eye through the arm to the pencil, how much is lost!
Begnügt euch doch, ein Mensch zu sein…!
Die Freude ist schwatzhaft.
Wie gern der schlaffste Mensch andächtig schwärmt, um nur – ist er zu Zeiten sich der Absicht deutlich nicht bewußt, – um nur gut handeln nicht zu dürfen!
Wir sind Menschen. Die Gabe zu beten, ist nicht immer in unserer Gewalt. Dem Himmel ist beten wollen auch beten.
Beide schaden sich selbst: der zuviel verspricht und der zuviel erwartet.
Die größte Deutlichkeit war mir immer die größte Schönheit.
Elende Helfer, … die nicht helfen können, ohne zugleich zu schaden!
Der vollständige Inbegriff der natürlichen Religion, zu der jeder Mensch verbunden ist, besteht darin, daß man einen Gott erkennt, sich die würdigsten Begriffe von ihm zu machen sucht und auf diese Begriffe bei allen Gedanken und Handlungen Rücksicht nimmt.
Das große Geheimnis, die menschliche Seele durch Übung vollkommen zu machen, besteht einzig darin, daß man sie in steter Bemühung erhalte durch eigenes Nachdenken auf die Wahrheit zu kommen. Die Triebfedern dazu sind Ehrgeiz und Neubegierde.
Die Offenbarung ist nichts Abgeschlossenes und Vollendetes, sondern etwas ewig Flüssiges, ewig Werdendes, eine unendliche Entwicklung, kurz: die Erziehungsmethode der Menschheit – Erziehung ist Offenbarung, die dem einzelnen geschieht, und Offenbarung ist Erziehung, die dem ganzen Menschengeschlecht geschehen ist.
For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity.
Es muß entweder gar keine Wahrheit sein, oder sie muß von der Beschaffenheit sein, daß sie von den meisten, ja von allen, wenigstens im wesentlichen empfunden werden kann.
For the will and not the gift makes the giver.
Ein unbekanner Freund ist auch ein Freund.
They make glorious shipwreck who are lost in seeking worlds.
Furcht und Hoffnung tut bei den verderbten Menschen allezeit mehr als Scham und Ehrliebe.
A single grateful thought toward heaven is the most perfect prayer.
Die Gewalt ihrer Reize zu verdoppeln, gab die Natur dem Weibe die Scham, die holdseligste der Grazien.
Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for yourself.
Die Großmut muß eine beständige Eigenschaft der Seele sein und ihr nicht nur ruckweise entfahren.
Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy.
Das wahre Genie arbeitet gleich einem reißenden Strome sich selbst seinen Weg durch die größten Hindernisse.
If some things don't make you lose your sense of reason, then you have none to lose.
Alle Dichter wollen weniger gelobt und fleißiger gelesen sein.
The most deadly fruit is borne by the hatred which one grafts on an extinguished friendship.
Das Wort Zufall ist Gotteslästerung; nichts unter der Sonne ist Zufall; am wenigsten das, wovon die Absicht so klar in die Augen leuchtet.
Absolute truth belongs to Thee alone.
Entschluß ist Vorsatz, Tat.
A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.
Deine Begierden und dein Geschmack sind jetzt deine Tyrannen. Laß es gut sein; man muß sie sich austoben lassen. Sich ihnen zu widersetzen ist Torheit. Sie werden am sichersten eingeschläfert, wenn man ihnen freies Feld läßt.
It is not the truth that a man possesses, or believes that he possesses, but the earnest effort which he puts forward to reach the truth, which constitutes the worth of a man.
Alle großen Männer sind bescheiden.
He who doesn't lose his wits over certain things has no wits to lose.
Der aus Büchern erworbene Reichtum fremder Erfahrung heißt Gelehrsamkeit. Eigene Erfahrung ist Weisheit. Das kleinste Kapital von dieser ist mehrt wert, als Millionen von jener.
One can drink too much, but one never drinks enough.
Allein die Liebe –, hat sie nicht jedes Jahrhundert eine andere Gestalt? Man hat angemerkt, daß sie in den barbarischen Zeiten ungemein bescheiden, ehrerbietig, und bis zur Schwärmerei züchtig und beständig gewesen ist; es waren die Zeiten der irrenden Ritter, in den Zeiten hingegen, in welchen sich Witz und Geschmack aus dem Bezirke der Künste und Wissenschaften bis in den Bezirk die Sitten ausgebreitet hatten, waren sie immer kühn, flatterhaft schlüpfricht, und schweiften wohl gar aus dem Gleise der Natur ein wenig aus.
Let the devil catch you but by a single hair, and you are his forever.
Der Wille und nicht die Gabe macht den Geber.
Would that we could at once paint with the eyes! In the long way from the eye through the arm to the pencil, how much is lost!
Begnügt euch doch, ein Mensch zu sein…!
Die Freude ist schwatzhaft.
Wie gern der schlaffste Mensch andächtig schwärmt, um nur – ist er zu Zeiten sich der Absicht deutlich nicht bewußt, – um nur gut handeln nicht zu dürfen!
Wir sind Menschen. Die Gabe zu beten, ist nicht immer in unserer Gewalt. Dem Himmel ist beten wollen auch beten.
Beide schaden sich selbst: der zuviel verspricht und der zuviel erwartet.
Die größte Deutlichkeit war mir immer die größte Schönheit.
Elende Helfer, … die nicht helfen können, ohne zugleich zu schaden!
Der vollständige Inbegriff der natürlichen Religion, zu der jeder Mensch verbunden ist, besteht darin, daß man einen Gott erkennt, sich die würdigsten Begriffe von ihm zu machen sucht und auf diese Begriffe bei allen Gedanken und Handlungen Rücksicht nimmt.
Das große Geheimnis, die menschliche Seele durch Übung vollkommen zu machen, besteht einzig darin, daß man sie in steter Bemühung erhalte durch eigenes Nachdenken auf die Wahrheit zu kommen. Die Triebfedern dazu sind Ehrgeiz und Neubegierde.
Die Offenbarung ist nichts Abgeschlossenes und Vollendetes, sondern etwas ewig Flüssiges, ewig Werdendes, eine unendliche Entwicklung, kurz: die Erziehungsmethode der Menschheit – Erziehung ist Offenbarung, die dem einzelnen geschieht, und Offenbarung ist Erziehung, die dem ganzen Menschengeschlecht geschehen ist.
Happy Birthday Ludwig Thoma!
Er gäbe kein Gesetz und keine gesellschaftliche Moral, die mich hindern könnten, glücklich zu sein.
Man muß die Leute an ihren Einfluß glauben lassen - Hauptsache ist, daß sie keinen haben.
Es gibt doch kein abgeschlosseneres Kämmerlein als dein eigenes Herz.
Ich spiele jetzt die Rolle eines Kunstmäzens und lasse mir vom lieben Gott täglich schöne Werke vormalen.
Sich angehören ist der einzig begehrenswerte Lebensluxus.
Der königliche Landgerichtsrat Alois Eschenberger war ein guter Jurist und auch sonst von mäßigem Verstande. Er kümmerte sich nicht um das Wesen der Dinge, sondern ausschließlich darum, unter welchen rechtlichen Begriff dieselben zu subsumieren waren.
Es gibt Berge, über die man hinüber muß, sonst geht der Weg nicht weiter.
Mach nur die Augen auf; alles ist schön!
Das Nackte kann die Tugend stärken, und vieles reizt uns nur umflort.
Das Gefühl, nicht ganz in Ordnung zu sein, ist ekelhaft. Man ist bloß ein halber Mensch.
Er war ein guter Anwalt. Und auch sonst nur von mäßigem
Mann und Frau müssen eins sein, sonst ist es keine Ehe.
Man muß die Leute an ihren Einfluß glauben lassen - Hauptsache ist, daß sie keinen haben.
Es gibt doch kein abgeschlosseneres Kämmerlein als dein eigenes Herz.
Ich spiele jetzt die Rolle eines Kunstmäzens und lasse mir vom lieben Gott täglich schöne Werke vormalen.
Sich angehören ist der einzig begehrenswerte Lebensluxus.
Der königliche Landgerichtsrat Alois Eschenberger war ein guter Jurist und auch sonst von mäßigem Verstande. Er kümmerte sich nicht um das Wesen der Dinge, sondern ausschließlich darum, unter welchen rechtlichen Begriff dieselben zu subsumieren waren.
Es gibt Berge, über die man hinüber muß, sonst geht der Weg nicht weiter.
Mach nur die Augen auf; alles ist schön!
Das Nackte kann die Tugend stärken, und vieles reizt uns nur umflort.
Das Gefühl, nicht ganz in Ordnung zu sein, ist ekelhaft. Man ist bloß ein halber Mensch.
Er war ein guter Anwalt. Und auch sonst nur von mäßigem
Mann und Frau müssen eins sein, sonst ist es keine Ehe.
Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2016
Happy Birthday DeForest Kelley!
I am still seeking to become firmly established as an actor.
I m up at 5 in the morning and in bed by 10 in the evening.
My father started me singing in church.
Star Trek is perhaps the best thing that ever happened to me, in a career sense.
What I truly miss the most is having sufficient time to do all the things that need to be done around the house and for our friends.
I had fallen in love with California.
I'm very grateful for the career that I've had. And I'm very grateful for the experiences that Star Trek has afforded me along with my past background. When I look back and think how fortunate I've been to work with some wonderful people and had some marvelous experiences, then I can look at Star Trek and think it's almost like the cream on the coffee. I don't approach it as anything but a magnificent plus.
I ran around with the other youngsters, hunting, fishing and raising tadpoles and all the rest.
I'd wanted to become a doctor and couldn't - yet became the best known doctor in the galaxy.
I once aged 90 years old in one episode.
I thoroughly enjoyed those years. I liked Westerns for two reasons: First, it took the actor outside. They were all very physical at that time and not limited to a stage. Second, they paid my rent an awful lot.
My ambition is peace and perfection.
I wouldn't have been anywhere near Leonard Nimoy. He's marvelous.
I have no aspiration whatsoever to be the next great leading man.
Let's make just one more Star Trek movie! I sure miss making those movies!
The most important influence in my childhood was my father.
They're the most devoted group of people and contrary to what people think, they don't have antennae coming out of their heads.
You see, I was the son of a baptist minister.
I refuse to be crude and selfish in any way.
It was a perfectly average well- adjusted childhood, not a bit unlike that of millions of other individuals.
Star Trek has brought so much of what I want within my grasp.
I have been exposed to a great amount of temptation throughout the course of my career.
I have deep feelings for the welfare and comfort of others.
I have considered myself a mature actor.
I m up at 5 in the morning and in bed by 10 in the evening.
My father started me singing in church.
Star Trek is perhaps the best thing that ever happened to me, in a career sense.
What I truly miss the most is having sufficient time to do all the things that need to be done around the house and for our friends.
I had fallen in love with California.
I'm very grateful for the career that I've had. And I'm very grateful for the experiences that Star Trek has afforded me along with my past background. When I look back and think how fortunate I've been to work with some wonderful people and had some marvelous experiences, then I can look at Star Trek and think it's almost like the cream on the coffee. I don't approach it as anything but a magnificent plus.
I ran around with the other youngsters, hunting, fishing and raising tadpoles and all the rest.
I'd wanted to become a doctor and couldn't - yet became the best known doctor in the galaxy.
I once aged 90 years old in one episode.
I thoroughly enjoyed those years. I liked Westerns for two reasons: First, it took the actor outside. They were all very physical at that time and not limited to a stage. Second, they paid my rent an awful lot.
My ambition is peace and perfection.
I wouldn't have been anywhere near Leonard Nimoy. He's marvelous.
I have no aspiration whatsoever to be the next great leading man.
Let's make just one more Star Trek movie! I sure miss making those movies!
The most important influence in my childhood was my father.
They're the most devoted group of people and contrary to what people think, they don't have antennae coming out of their heads.
You see, I was the son of a baptist minister.
I refuse to be crude and selfish in any way.
It was a perfectly average well- adjusted childhood, not a bit unlike that of millions of other individuals.
Star Trek has brought so much of what I want within my grasp.
I have been exposed to a great amount of temptation throughout the course of my career.
I have deep feelings for the welfare and comfort of others.
I have considered myself a mature actor.
Happy Birthday André-Marie Ampère!
Either one or the other [analysis or synthesis] may be direct or indirect. The direct procedure is when the point of departure is known-direct synthesis in the elements of geometry. By combining at random simple truths with each other, more complicated ones are deduced from them. This is the method of discovery, the special method of inventions, contrary to popular opinion.
Tantem felix – endlich glücklich!
Ordinarily logic is divided into the examination of ideas, judgments, arguments, and methods. The two latter are generally reduced to judgments, that is, arguments are reduced to apodictic judgments that such and such conclusions follow from such and such premises, and method is reduced to judgments that prescribe the procedure that should be followed in the search for truth.
Studiere die Dinge dieser Welt, es ist die Pflicht deines Berufes; aber schau sie nur mit einem Auge an, dein anderes Auge auf das ewige Leben gerichtet! Höre die Gelehrten, aber nur mit einem Ohr!
The future science of government should be called 'la cybernétique' (1843) Coining the French word to mean 'the art of governing,' from the Greek (Kybernetes = navigator or steersman), subsequently adopted as cybernetics by Norbert Weiner for the field of control and communication theory.
Wie groß ist Gott, Ozanam, und unser Wissen ein Nichts!
There is synthesis when, in combining therein judgments that are made known to us from simpler relations, one deduces judgments from them relative to more complicated relations.
There is analysis when from a complicated truth one deduces more simple truths.
Always preoccupied with his profound researches, the great Newton showed in the ordinary-affairs of life an absence of mind which has become proverbial. It is related that one day, wishing to find the number of seconds necessary for the boiling of an egg, he perceived, after waiting a minute, that he held the egg in his hand, and had placed his seconds watch (an instrument of great value on account of its mathematical precision) to boil!
Tantem felix – endlich glücklich!
Ordinarily logic is divided into the examination of ideas, judgments, arguments, and methods. The two latter are generally reduced to judgments, that is, arguments are reduced to apodictic judgments that such and such conclusions follow from such and such premises, and method is reduced to judgments that prescribe the procedure that should be followed in the search for truth.
Studiere die Dinge dieser Welt, es ist die Pflicht deines Berufes; aber schau sie nur mit einem Auge an, dein anderes Auge auf das ewige Leben gerichtet! Höre die Gelehrten, aber nur mit einem Ohr!
The future science of government should be called 'la cybernétique' (1843) Coining the French word to mean 'the art of governing,' from the Greek (Kybernetes = navigator or steersman), subsequently adopted as cybernetics by Norbert Weiner for the field of control and communication theory.
Wie groß ist Gott, Ozanam, und unser Wissen ein Nichts!
There is synthesis when, in combining therein judgments that are made known to us from simpler relations, one deduces judgments from them relative to more complicated relations.
There is analysis when from a complicated truth one deduces more simple truths.
Always preoccupied with his profound researches, the great Newton showed in the ordinary-affairs of life an absence of mind which has become proverbial. It is related that one day, wishing to find the number of seconds necessary for the boiling of an egg, he perceived, after waiting a minute, that he held the egg in his hand, and had placed his seconds watch (an instrument of great value on account of its mathematical precision) to boil!
Dienstag, 19. Januar 2016
Happy Birthday Katharina Thalbach!
Shakespeare ist Psychologe, Komiker, Dramatiker, Entertainer, Prophet. Große Liebe, große Gewalt, große Sehnsucht – alles wird extrem behandelt. Das ist für mich Volkstheater im besten Sinne.
Es gibt nach Gott noch jemanden, der eine Welt erschaffen hat – und das ist Shakespeare! Aber bei ihm war nicht nur am Anfang das Wort, sondern auch noch am Ende. Und eine Menge schöner Wörter dazwischen. Shakespeare ist eine Art Zuhause für mich.
Claudia Schiffer ist langweilig wie eine Schlaftablette.
Es gibt nach Gott noch jemanden, der eine Welt erschaffen hat – und das ist Shakespeare! Aber bei ihm war nicht nur am Anfang das Wort, sondern auch noch am Ende. Und eine Menge schöner Wörter dazwischen. Shakespeare ist eine Art Zuhause für mich.
Claudia Schiffer ist langweilig wie eine Schlaftablette.
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