
Montag, 29. Februar 2016

Happy Birthday Gioachino Rossini!

Every kind of music is good, except the boring kind.

Give me a laundry-list and I'll set it to music.

Wagner is a composer who has beautiful moments but awful quarter hours.

One can't judge Wagner's opera Lohengrin after a first hearing, and I certainly don't intend to hear it a second time.

Composer Mr. Wagner has beautiful moments but bad quarters of an hour.

Wagner has lovely moments but awful quarters of an hour.

Samstag, 27. Februar 2016

Remembering Leonard Nimoy! Rest in Peace! נוח על משכבך בשלום

I think it's my adventure, my trip, my journey, and I guess my attitude is, let the chips fall where they may.

Ich bin Vulkanier. Ich habe kein Ego, das man kränken könnte.

I think about myself as like an ocean liner that's been going full speed for a long distance, and the captain pulls the throttle back all the way to 'stop,' but the ship doesn't stop immediately, does it? It has its own momentum and it keeps on going, and I'm very flattered that people are still finding me useful.

Das Wohl von Vielen, es wiegt schwerer als das Wohl von Wenigen oder eines Einzelnen. 

I'm touched by the idea that when we do things that are useful and helpful - collecting these shards of spirituality - that we may be helping to bring about a healing.

Logik ist der Anfang aller Weisheit, Lieutenant Valeris, nicht das Ende.

My folks came to U.S. as immigrants, aliens, and became citizens. I was born in Boston, a citizen, went to Hollywood and became an alien.

Faszinierend ist ein Wort, das ich nur benutze, wenn mich etwas überrascht. 

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

Die Logik ist ein kleiner zwitschernder Vogel, der in der Wiese zirpt. Die Logik ist aber auch ein Kranz von duftenden Rosen, der ziemlich übel stinkt.

You proceed from a false assumption: I have no ego to bruise.

Ohne Kreativität gibt es keine Entwicklung. 

Boston was a great city to grow up in, and it probably still is. We were surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums. And I learned how to sail on the Charles River. So I had a great childhood in Boston. It was wonderful.

Ich widerspreche Intellekt ohne Disziplin, ich widerspreche Macht ohne konstruktives Ziel.

The miracle is this: the more we share the more we have.

Käpt´n, Sie haben mich fast dazu gebracht, an Glück zu glauben.

Some words having to do with the death of the people in the World Trade Center attack had been added, and when I got to it, I had this overwhelmingly emotional experience. I struggled to get through the words; tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Es ist keine Lüge, wenn man die Wahrheit für sich behält.

That's true, because I'm a photographer now.

Auf meinem Planeten bedeutet ausruhen, sich auszuruhen – keine Energie zu verschwenden. Für mich ist es recht unlogisch, auf einem grünen Rasen hoch und runter zu laufen, Energie zu verbrauchen, anstatt sie zu sparen.

Which is probably the reason why I work exclusively in black and white... to highlight that contrast.

Im strengen wissenschaftlichen Sinn ernähren wir uns alle vom Tod – auch Vegetarier.

But if you're talking about fine art work, then I think you have to ask yourself some pretty deep questions about why it is you want to take pictures and what it is you want to say.

Wenn ich ein Mensch wäre, wäre meine Antwort mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit: ‘Fahrt zur Hölle!’. Wenn ich ein Mensch wäre.

I became hooked on the idea of being able to shoot an image and process it myself, and end up with a product.

Alles was ich kenne, ist Logik.

What I'm exploring right now is the subject of my own mortality. It's an area that I'm curious about, and I'm researching it to see if there's a photographic essay in it for me. If images don't start to come, I'll go to something else.

Trauern Sie nicht um mich, es war eine logische Entscheidung. Das Wohl von Vielen, es wiegt schwerer als das Wohl von Wenigen oder eines Einzelnen. Ich war es und ich werde es immer sein, Ihr Freund. Leben Sie lange und in Frieden.

My memory of those places is better than my pictures. That's why I get much more satisfaction out of shooting thematic work that has to do with an idea that I'm searching for, or searching to express.

Schätzen entspricht nicht meiner Natur.

For a period of time, I carried cameras with me wherever I went, and then I realized that my interest in photography was turning toward the conceptual. So I wasn't carrying around cameras shooting stuff, I was developing concepts about what I wanted to shoot. And then I'd get the camera angle and do the job.

I did not move into developing or processing color. I stayed with black and white. I still think to this day that I prefer to work in black and white if it has to do with poetry or anything other than specific reality. I have worked in color when I thought it was the appropriate way to express the thought that I was working on.

Raucher, bitte versteht. Wenn ihr aufhört, nachdem ein Lungenschaden diagnostiziert wurde, ist es zu spät. Opa sagt, lernt von mir.

My dream concept is that I have a camera and I am trying to photograph what is essentially invisible. And every once in a while I get a glimpse of her and I grab that picture.

Raucht nicht. Ich habe geraucht und wünschte, ich hätte es nie getan.

I became enamored with photography when I was about 13 or 14 years old. I've been at it ever since. I studied seriously in the '70s.

Meine Leute kamen in die USA als Immigranten, Ausländer, und wurden Staatsbürger. Ich wurde in Boston geboren, bin ein Staatsbürger, ging nach Hollywood und wurde ein Außerirdischer.

That is the exploration that awaits you! Not mapping stars and studying nebula, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence.

I'm attracted to images that come from a personal exploration of a subject matter. When they have a personal stamp to them, then I think it becomes identifiable.

I became involved in photography when I was about thirteen years old.

I also do my own processing, so it means a big commitment in lab time.

I certainly don't live in a kosher home although I was raised in a kosher environment.

A neighborhood friend showed me how it was possible to go to a camera shop and pick up chemicals for pennies... literally... and develop your own film and make prints.

"I have been and always shall be your friend"

One of my most favorite Star Trek moments...

Live Long and Prosper.

Hello, I'm Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounters is true. By true I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies and in the end, isn't that the truth?

The answer is no.

Rocket ships 
are exciting but so are roses on a birthday.

I believe in goodness, mercy and charity. I believe in casting bread upon the waters.

The means of many out way the means of the few or one.

Prayer Against the Darkness

Pray for us now
bound with scripture
and shielded with shawl
Armed with passion
and loving care
Pray for us now
against suffering, turmoil, and injustice
Pray for us now
against the chaos of the dark.


I am convinced
That if all mankind
Could only gather together
In one circle
Arms on each other's shoulders
And dance, laugh and cry
Then much
of the tension and burden
of life
Would fall away
In the knowledge that
We are all children
Needing and wanting
Each other's
Comfort and
We are all children
Searching for love.

Embracing the Light

Collected bits of truth
Shimmering sparks
Shards of light
Bursting Bright
in divine ecstatic flame.

I am intrigued with scriptural mythology that tells us that God created a divine feminine presence to dwell amongst humanity. This concept has had a constant influence on the work. I have imagined her as ubiquitous, watchful, and often in motion. This work is, in effect, the photographic image of the invisible.

I have found my way, step by step, proceeding from touch points that have emerged, some through conscious choice and some through dream state discovery.

"Sacred Housekeeping" by Harriet Rossetto is a great book. Moving and funny. Powerful, spiritual,life saving. Get a copy and LLAP

Our loving thoughts today to those who fell and their families and friends.

2012 was a difficult and tragic year for many. We look forward to a fresh start and a hopefull future for all humanity.  May it be so. LLAP

Don't smoke. I did. Wish I never had. LLAP

With family on a beach. I wake up to sunshine, ocean and love.  LLAP

Really feeling for the folks back East. Cold, tired and hungry. Heart goes out to them LLAP

I really enjoyed giving this commencement speech to the College of Fine Arts at Boston University. LLAP

A movie scene: stranger lands on earth. Hits buttons on a small device. All guns on earth are melted . He leaves. LLAP

Alexander Pope said,"Act well your part. There all honor lies". True in art, true in life. LLAP

Will they ever stop playing "gotcha" and go to work for the country?  LLAP

Watching "Argo"and suddenly there's Spock in the final scene. LLAP

Blessed are the peacemakers. Heal the earth. LLAP

John Chambers depicted by John Goodman in Argo made some fine Spock ears but Fred Phillips designed them and created the whole makeup. LLAP

My holiday season wish for our planet and everyone on it. The same for those on other planets. LLAP

Susan and I at a wonderful symphonic concert tonite on a tropical isle. Giving thanks for our blessings. And prayers for all. LLAP

A leader shall appear. It is not only necessary, it is logical. LLAP

Interesting new App I recorded. Go to Apple App Store. Search for My PaceBoss.Enjoy  LLAP

I miss DeForest Kelley a lot. A real friend and a gentle man. For his memory, LLAP

George Takei. Brave man. Class act. LLAP

Gives me pleasure to say good things about good people while they are still alive. LLAP

Vacation on the island is ending. Seeing Zach Quinto in LA Monday.LLAP

Speaking truth to power isn't easy. I admire those who do. LLAP

North Coast Repertory in Ca. will present Jean-Michel Richaud in my play, "Vincent" on March 4th. A really special performance. LLAP

Did a job for Audi yesterday with Zachary Quinto. Total pleasure. LLAP

Valentine's day approaching. I remember making our own cards in grade school.Don't forget the loved ones. LLAP

Just saw a guy propose on bended knee in a NY restaurant. Girl cried "yes" and everyone applauded and cheered. Love still happens.  LLAP

"Vulcan" is the logical choice. LLAP

So much love flowing today. Warms my Vulcan heart. LLAP

Heading East soon to see Mr. Quinto in "Glass Menagerie" Shut out by snowstorm at last attempt. Great play. Great performances.  LLAP

Here's a big LLAP to all. Wish I could respond individually.

I hear my Vulcan people have a new home. True ? LLAP

Only a Vulcan mind meld will help with this congress. LLAP

"Glass Menagerie" in Cambridge,Ma. That's as good as it gets. LLAP

"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" is the 15th film to ever reach the billion-dollar box office milestone. My Bilbo Baggins helped.LLAP

Good news. Companies are hiring. Unemployment is dropping. Down to 7.7.
U.S. economy, LLAP

Boston Globe has invited me to the White House correspondents dinner  LLAP

I think there's a Star Trek movie opening soon. ST does LLAP

Goodbye Malachi. One of the best. Memories of you and your work LLAP

The "needs" of Nimoy are not being met.
When do I get to see this movie ??!!  LLAP

To deny the Nimoy is not logical. LLAP

I hear the U.K. sees it first. Is this revenge against the colonists ?  LLAP

The logical treatment for irrational behavior is the application of a neck pinch.  LLAP

Family and friends surrounding me with birthday plans. I might get emotional. LLAP

We celebrate the release from bondage that most of us take for granted. Some are still enslaved. Wishing freedom for all. Good Passover LLAP

Thanks all for brightening my already fantastic day w/your birthday wishes. Spending all this energy is not logical but it is sooo good.LLAP

Does this mean I have to stay hidden for 50 years? LLAP now!!


Had a conversation with Mr. Quinto for German "Interview" magazine. Good talk about the Spock character and more. LLAP

My love and concern for all in Boston, my hometown. Deep sadness.

I grew up in Boston. The city gave me education, arts, and above all, spine. My hometown.  LLAP

Now I have Texas tragedy on my mind. My sympathy for all the loss. LLAP

Humpback whale population is growing. Star Trek IV was helpful. LLAP

In California there's this wet stuff coming down from the sky. Is this what's called "rain"? LLAP

We owe a thanks to Theodore Sturgeon who wrote "Amok Time" episode and "Live long and prosper" .LLAP

I turned off the talking politicos. Too much jabbering at each other. Not enough care about humans. LLAP

Wish I could make a Star Trek movie about destruction of elephants.They're being killed for their ivory tusks. LLAP

We are all children searching for love. LLAP

Just spent the evening with Jackson Browne and Al Gore. Climate Change !! Serious. Time to pay attention now so we can LLAP

Somewhere in the great ocean there is a humpback whale named Spock. LLAP indeed

Police: Ore. mall shooter didn't know his victims

Plenty of guns on the streets. Can this be good ?  Please LLAP

My door is still open to honorary grandchildren. Say "yes" and step inside. LLAP

Today it's Connecticut. Lots of people will not LLAP!!

All honoraries accepted including brothers,sisters, nieces, nephews etc. LLAP

I am angry/disgusted. Amazing that some think the solution is more guns. Madness. Even NRA members want more control.  LLAP

How good it feels to know some folks are quitting smoking because of tweets here !! Blessings and strength to you all. LLAP

I understand the right own a gun. Does it have to be an automatic weapon of mass destruction ? LLAP

Some say E-cigs help to quit smoking. Maybe. But they give nicotine which is highly addictive. Be warned. LLAP

I respect the diffence between "Automatic" and "Semi-Automatic" but the horrible FACT is these kids were sprayed with bullets.  LLAP

Cigarettes don't make anything better. Nicotine taken in any form is addictive. Look into mindful meditation instead. LLAP

"Morning Joe" Thank you. A very moving statement about your new view of the need to protect our children.Politicians, pay attention!!  LLAP

No matter how you get it, nicotine is addictive and dangerous. Sucks oxigen out of your lungs and money out of your pocket. LLAP

Remembering Majel Barrett Roddenberry. We met on"The Lieutenant" before Star Trek

May her memory LLAP

LLAQ!! Live long and quit

Thank you NRA. Looking forward to your "meaningful contributions" to help avoid more such tragedies.  LLAP

Blessings to you who are quitting smoking. Nicotine doesn't make things better. LLAP

No "snark" intended. Sincerely hoping. LLAP

I tried to "smoke a little". Failed.  I finally learned I cannot smoke at all. Quitting isn't easy. I went thru a program. Now FREE. LLAP

The "Meaningful Contribution" promised by the NRA turns out be more guns. I'm disapponted. Not surprised. LLAP

Quitting smoking ? Great!! Drink lots of water to wash nicotine out of your system. LLAP

"We must never forget art is not a form of propoganda. Art is a form of truth." John F. Kennedy. To all ...In this holiday season, LLAP

Smokers, please understand. If you quit after you're diagnosed with lung damage it's too late. Grandpa says learn my lesson. Quit now. LLAP.

Grandchildren home for holiday break from school. What a joy!!  LLAP

I quit smoking 30 yrs ago. Not soon enough. I have COPD. Grandpa says, quit now!! LLAP

Don't miss Bruno Mars "Unorthodox Jukebox". This man is the real deal.  LLAP

A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP

Ein Leben ist wie ein Garten. Perfekte Momente können erlebt, aber nicht bewahrt werden, außer in der Erinnerung. Lebt lang und in Frieden

Live long and prosper.

Dif-tor heh smusma.

Lebe lang und in Frieden.

May Spock LLAP 

Thank you for all, honorary grandpa!

I have been, and ever shall be, your fan.

You aren´t really dead, as long as we remember you! 

Rest in Peace!

נוח על משכבך בשלום

Dienstag, 23. Februar 2016

Happy Birthday Majel Barrett!

Well, Gene Roddenberry was a very tall and imposing-looking man, first off. He was a very adamant man. He was also very kind and sweet. He had a lot of sides to him. Our life together was wonderful. It just didn't go on long enough.

So we all got basically what we wanted, and as far as the women are concerned, he figured that 30 good women could handle a crew of 300 anyway. So that's how we ended up with our crew.

They wanted a television show that had to do with science fiction and Gene Roddenberry didn't know anything about science fiction. He absolutely knew nothing. But he knew people and he was head writer for "Have Gun - Will Travel", and if you took those early Star Treks that we did and put us in a Western wardrobe and put us on wagon train going west, we can say the same lines. So he didn't bother to do science fiction, because he didn't know anything about it. Everybody accepted it. You put funny people in funny costumes and paint them green and we could talk about anything we wanted to, because that was the only thing that fascinated Gene about this particular genre. Censorship was so bad in those days, you couldn't talk about war, black-white situation, you couldn't even talk about mother love. We took Frank Gorshin and painted him half-black and half-white and his adversary [Lou Antonio] was half-white and half-black and put the two of them at each other and it got through the censors. They never realised that that was what was going on. Once it's up on the screen, it's too late and Gene got to talk about some of the problems that we had today that way. You go through at least the first two years of "Star Trek" and you find some amazing stuff. Everything that was going on Gene put into the series. He just put strange costumes on the actors and painted them funny colours and left the same situation in.

When we started out in '64, um, I was playing Number One, which was a woman second in command of a star ship.

What's nice is you know a Star Trek movie is still one that everybody wants. It remains Paramount's cash cow, so there's no danger of it going away anytime soon.

But he knew people and he was head writer for Have Gun Will Travel, and if you took those early Star Treks that we did and put us in a western wardrobe and put us on wagon train going west, we can say the same lines.

We were doing tests out in Culver City, and when lunch came along, we had to go out for lunch and Leonard Nimoy had just had the ears put on and they were funny, he was funny with this green face and he had eyebrows that came out to here and the costume which were difficult to get in and out of, so we just put robes over them, and walked outside the lot in order to go get some lunch and of course cars [were] screeching to a halt and yelling things out to us. And so there's Leonard, he looks like a pointy-eared hobgoblin and we go into a restaurant and the whole place starts yelling and screaming because we looked so funny.

You put funny people in funny costumes and paint them green and we could talk about anything we wanted to, because that was the only thing that fascinated Gene about this particular genre.

Gene had a lot of close friends who helped him. Bob [Robert H. Justman] helped him. There's a name that has been around for ever because Bob was on other shows with him. Poor Gene L. Coon... I think we killed him. He died very, very early as a matter of fact... You'd give him a script overnight and he would bring back a shooting script the next morning. One that we could actually go up on the stage, point the camera, light the lights and say, "roll them". It was remarkable. I'd say if anybody was really closest to helping him put those out I would say is Gene Coon. There was a team around him. It was a great big team. Gene didn't do it all by himself, although for the first two years there wasn't one single script that got by. That's why the writers didn't like him that much, but there wasn't one script that got by without Gene's signature all over it.

Then, all of a sudden, here I am in the Press Room in the White House and walking in with the guards, who handed me three little pieces of paper asking me to send pictures to the guards at the White House.

When we started out in '64... I was playing Number One, which was a woman second in command of a starship. Now that was innovative, but of course NBC got ahold of it and "You've got to get rid of the broad. No one will believe a woman second in control of a big starship." They said, "You've got to get rid of the guy with the ears 'cos he looks too Satanic." But the third thing was you've got to make it more men than women, because otherwise they're going to think there's a lot of hanky panky going on in the starship. Gene, realising that he was hitting his head against a wall, and realising what the mentality of the people who were making those decisions was, figured he would do in my case, although he knew it was going to break my heart, figured he would fight and keep the Spock character and marry the woman. So we all got basically what we wanted, and as far as the women are concerned, he figured that 30 good women could handle a crew of 300 anyway. So that's how we ended up with our crew.

The best way in the world to advertise is to get somebody else to run around with the name of your product on their person or showing it around somewhere and not only that but they're paying for it.

I said wouldn't it be great - when Gene Roddenberry died if we could bury him in space. And that word just got around and people started to talk about it and one day they came and said, "Would you like to send Gene's ashes up?". I got to send a little vial of Gene's ashes up - I forget what mission it was, but Colonel Wetherby was the one who took them up as a piece of his personal property. Those guys are allowed two pounds each as they go up. So he took those little vial of ashes with him as part of his two pounds. We watched it on television, the launch, and of course the tears are coming down everybody's eyes, this is the way it was supposed to be. He's up there now going around every 90 minutes looking down saying, "What have you done to my show?".

You can take any one of our stories that we use right now, put western clothes on us, stick us out in the west and they'll work just as well - any single one of them - because they're stories about people, they're stories about things.

When you think of the age of the universe and the size of the universe, of course there is other intelligent life out there. Where we can find some that we can understand, that we can communicate with, that may be the problem.

I'm going to take over on the Techno Comics so I'm going to be dealing in the children's merchandising type department. But that's just setting it up and having somebody run it.

I have absolutely nothing to do with the Star Trek franchise. I haven't had for many, many years. Gene sold out all of his rights to Star Trek way back fifteen, almost twenty years ago. So, they ask nothing. I volunteer nothing. They invite me to a few of their shindigs. I'll bet you I haven't been on that lot in two years.

You go through at least the first two years of Star Trek and you find some amazing stuff. Everything that was going on Gene put into the series. He just put strange costumes on the actors and painted them funny colours and left the same situation in.

See, Gene was a fantastic storyteller, probably the best in the business. What he did was tell stories. He didn't lay plots and ideas and things like that — he told stories. You can take any one of our stories that we use right now, put western clothes on us, stick us out in the west and they'll work just as well — any single one of them — because they're stories about people.

I don't think we're wasting people in space.

Gene's idea was how mankind is going to react to aliens once they get here. Almost certainly they are either here or they will get here, whether they announce themselves or not. Who knows?

It was the studio mainly. They wanted a show set in space. Gene wanted to do one that was more science fiction. So he decided to combine them both and see what happens. 

We didn't have a background for her, so I created one. To me, she was from a different planet where they actually numbered people. She was one of a litter, let's say. The only time they would breed was when they needed people — they would clone them and try to get as much intelligence into each one as they could. As they were growing up they would take their place, and be given a position according to their excellence. She actually turned into Number One and therefore went onto a starship. It was a way of life, just a manner of being; she hadn’t done anything particularly wonderful until she got there and met people. She was bred for excellence, that's all. At the time, she was the one who really didn't have any emotions. Gene basically suggested that. That was the Number One character; that was my character.

We're having the first computer-generated comic strip in the United States.

Why should we put 24 robotic missions up on Mars somewhere? That's silly. We could put people up on Mars. Why not let them do it because when something goes wrong only men can evaluate it. They can say what went wrong. One little dial isn't working correctly. Well, what's wrong with that dial? Somebody who is up there can take a look at it probably and come back and say maybe I don't know what it is but there it is and then we can fix it.

You know what? Gene Roddenberry wouldn't have been bothered by it at all. Gene did the best work he could at the time, but he was also all about the future. I think he'd have thought it was terrific that the show was being made to look better because of new technology.

This is a new land, this is a new place, this is a new world, this is unknown. This is uncharted, this is all there is. We don't have any other place to go. I always quote Gene as saying "Why are we now going into space? Well, why did we trouble to look past the next mountain? Our prime obligation to ourselves is to make the unknown known. We are on a journey to keep an appointment with whatever we are." And that was his whole philosophy of Star Trek, of life, of everything else.

Man must be in space - that is what we are destined for. There is nothing else that we can do.

Gene Roddenberry was never really satisfied with the way any of them came out. It was just his own frustration at wanting everything to be perfect. It was nothing against the people he worked with.

Happy Birthday Andrea Sawatzki!

Komödie kann nur aus einer Verzweiflung, auf tragischem Boden entstehen. Wenn man die Zuschauer erreichen will, dann muss man die Figuren immer wieder ins ungewollt Komische brechen.

Menschen sind nicht vorhersehbar. Sie können sich von einem Tag auf den anderen zu- oder abwenden.

Was ich besonders gut kochen kann? Schnittchen.

Jeder Mensch birgt Böses in sich.

Merkwürdig... Wir werden nie erfahren, warum wir eigentlich gelebt haben.

Montag, 22. Februar 2016

Happy Birthday Jeri Ryan!

I don't necessarily believe in aliens coming to the States, and I don't buy into the government cover-up.

I have no specific ideas in mind of what I will or won't do; it's all about the roles.

His background and knowledge can't be transplanted overnight, ... I'd make a point that unless you sat on the throne, you don't know what it's like to be king. In reality there are a lot of things that you do and people you influence that other people don't see and that impact is there for the city.

It might be arrogant to think that we're the only living creations in all of the solar systems that there are. Space is so vast.

Sorry, I get a little excited when I talk about firearms.

I loved working with Eric Close and J T Walsh.

You can't really prepare yourself for being greeted by a dozen Klingons drinking blood wine. So, it can be a bit off-putting coming in from the outside. But it's great fun and there are no fans like Star Trek fans.

We haven't done such a great job, so I don't know why God couldn't have started over somewhere else. I don't necessarily believe in aliens coming to the States, and I don't buy into the government cover-up.

I loved working with Eric Close and J. T. Walsh.

I was always a fan of horror films as a kid.

I could do without the Bubonic Plague.

The whole sex symbol or babe thing doesn't bother me.

Cheating is often more efficient.

I was raised all over. Kansas, Hawaii, Georgia, Texas and Kentucky, by the time I was 11.

No doubt that he will make an excellent senator.

My husband travels a lot with his job, so we have a lot of frequent flyer miles so we can hop on a plane with no notice. That's a nice luxury and he is very supportive.

I would defy people to find a more beautifully developed character than Seven of Nine.

It doesn't bother me that Seven has such an overtly sexual presence, because she has no concept of what effect that physical package would have on some male member of the crew. That's what's fun, her innocence.

I'm not so widely known that I'm going to be pigeonholed.

I get to pretend I'm flying into space, and hang out with my friends. That's what I do for a living.

I've always wanted to do this, so it really is a dream come true.

The entire season, the show had never been aired for more than three weeks. You can't get an audience that way. They would never promo the show for the next week.

It was really a pleasure to play someone who's literally pushed past her breaking point repeatedly.

That's what makes a character interesting from an actor's perspective - the more screwed up, the better.

It's supposed to be entertainment. It's not supposed to be a documentary.

I'm not seeking out genre films, but this just came my way, and Miramax was good enough to add a role for me because we wanted the chance to work together.

My husband is someone who's in the real world. It's a big help that I don't have both feet in Hollywood.

I think the more stressful our times get, the more we look for fantasy escapes.

There is a very large chunk of our population who firmly believe in extraterrestrials.

West Hollywood is predominantly gay, so every man that came into the grocery store was shopping for his boyfriend.

The costume that I wear on the show is a little snug and doesn't leave a whole lot to the imagination. I don't have a problem with it because of the way this character's been written.

This was truly guerilla filmmaking. We shot out in the middle of nowhere in a place called Delta Flats, where basically every day was some new minor catastrophe.

They said that Seven was a former Borg who had been human and had been assimilated. She was regaining her humanity. I had no interest in this character.

I'm not real impressed with the Star Trek weaponry, I gotta be honest.

I have a lot of fun with guns, especially the M-16, but my favourite is my little .22. It fits nicely in the palm of your hand. I do limit myself to blanks.

I've loved the escapism of being another person, slipping into another character for a little while.

I started by looking everything up in a Star Trek dictionary so I knew what I was talking about, but you can't do that because they talk in circles, and half of it doesn't make sense, so you'll just end up driving yourself more insane.

I had never seen much of Star Trek, or any other science fiction, before I was cast. But Seven's wonderful.

My background has been very helpful for this experience. But everyone was so accommodating because they knew it's not the most comfortable position to be the new kid.

Samstag, 20. Februar 2016

Happy Birthday Nikolaus Kopernikus!

For it is the duty of an astronomer to compose the history of the celestial motions through careful and expert study.

Die Weltumseglung, die Entdeckung des größten Kontinents der Erde, die Erfindung des Kompasses, die Verbreitung des Wissens durch die Druckpresse, die Revolutionierung der Kriegskunst durch das Schießpulver, die Rettung antiker Handschriften, die Wiederbelebung der gelehrten Forschung, all das legt Zeugnis ab vom Triumph unseres Neuen Zeitalters.

To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.

Das Auge hält sich nämlich überall für den Mittelpunkt der Sphäre alles ringsum Sichtbaren.

Moreover, since the sun remains stationary, whatever appears as a motion of the sun is really due rather to the motion of the earth.

Der Mittelpunkt der Erde ist nicht der Mittelpunkt der Welt.

So, influenced by these advisors and this hope, I have at length allowed my friends to publish the work, as they had long besought me to do.

Wer sollte nicht durch die Beobachtung und den sinnenden Umgang mit der von der göttlichen Weisheiten geleiteten herrlichen Ordnung des Weltgebäudes zur Bewunderung des allwirkenden Baumeisters geführt werden!

The earth also is spherical, since it presses upon its center from every direction.

In der Mitte aber von Allen steht die Sonne. Denn wer möchte in diesem schönsten Tempel diese Leuchte an einen anderen oder bessern Ort setzen, als von wo aus sie das Ganze zugleich erleuchten kann?

Although all the good arts serve to draw man's mind away from vices and lead it toward better things, this function can be more fully performed by this art, which also provides extraordinary intellectual pleasure.

Es darf daher die Strebsamen nicht wundern, wenn dergleichen Leute auch uns verspotten. Mathematische Dinge werden für Mathematiker geschrieben, die, wenn mich meine Meinung nicht täuscht, einsehen werden, dass diese unsre Arbeiten auch an dem kirchlichen Staate mit bauen, dessen höchste Stelle Deine Heiligkeit jetzt einnimmt.

Pouring forth its seas everywhere, then, the ocean envelops the earth and fills its deeper chasms.

Nicht die Gnade, die Paulus empfangen, begehr' ich, Nicht die Huld, mit der du dem Paulus verziehen, Die nur, die du dem Schächer am Kreuz gewährt hast, nur die erfleh' ich.

Those who know that the consensus of many centuries has sanctioned the conception that the earth remains at rest in the middle of the heavens as its center, would, I reflected, regard it as an insane pronouncement if I made the opposite assertion that the earth moves.

Zuerst müssen wir bemerken, dass die Welt kugelförmig ist, theils weil diese Form, als die vollendete, keiner Fuge bedürftige Ganzheit, die vollkommenste von allen ist, theils weil sie die geräumigste Form bildet, welche am meisten dazu geeignet ist, Alles zu enthalten und zu bewahren; oder auch weil alle in sich abgeschlossene Theile der Welt, ich meine die Sonne, den Mond und die Planeten, in dieser Form erscheinen; oder weil Alles dahin strebt, sich in dieser Form zu begrenzen, was an den Tropfen des Wassers und an den Übrigen flüssigen Körpern zur Erscheinung kommt, wenn sie sich aus sich selbst zu begrenzen streben.

More stars in the north are seen not to set, while in the south certain stars are no longer seen to rise.

In der Mitte von allen Planeten aber hat die Sonne ihren Sitz. 

I am aware that a philosopher's ideas are not subject to the judgment of ordinary persons, because it is his endeavour to seek the truth in all things, to the extent permitted to human reason by God.

Die Kürze des Lebens, die Stumpfheit der Sinne, die Starre der Gleichgültigkeit und nutzlose Beschäftigung gestattet uns bloß, wenig zu wissen. Und immer wieder schüttelt das rasche Vergessen, dieser treulose Hüter des Wissens und Feind des Gedächtnisses, im Laufe der Zeit auch noch das heraus, was wir wissen.

Therefore I would not have it unknown to Your Holiness, the the only thing which induced me to look for another way of reckoning the movements of the heavenly bodies was that I knew that mathematicians by no means agree in their investigation thereof.

In so many and such important ways, then, do the planets bear witness to the earth's mobility.

At rest, however, in the middle of everything is the sun.

First of all, we must note that the universe is spherical.

Of all things visible, the highest is the heaven of the fixed stars.

Therefore, having obtained the opportunity from these sources, I too began to consider the mobility of the earth.

So far as hypotheses are concerned, let no one expect anything certain from astronomy, which cannot furnish it, lest he accept as the truth ideas conceived for another purpose, and depart from this study a greater fool than when he entered it.

We regard it as a certainty that the earth, enclosed between poles, is bounded by a spherical surface.

Not a few other very eminent and scholarly men made the same request, urging that I should no longer through fear refuse to give out my work for the common benefit of students of Mathematics.

For a traveler going from any place toward the north, that pole of the daily rotation gradually climbs higher, while the opposite pole drops down an equal amount.

Therefore, in the course of the work I have followed this plan: I describe in the first book all the positions of the orbits together with the movements which I ascribe to the Earth, in order that this book might contain, as it were, the general scheme of the universe.

Therefore, when I considered this carefully, the contempt which I had to fear because of the novelty and apparent absurdity of my view, nearly induced me to abandon utterly the work I had begun.

Yet if anyone believes that the earth rotates, surely he will hold that its motion is natural, not violent.

The massive bulk of the earth does indeed shrink to insignificance in comparison with the size of the heavens.

The earth together with its surrounding waters must in fact have such a shape as its shadow reveals, for it eclipses the moon with the arc of a perfect circle.

Accordingly, since nothing prevents the earth from moving, I suggest that we should now consider also whether several motions suit it, so that it can be regarded as one of the planets. For, it is not the center of all the revolutions.

Mathematics is written for mathematicians.

For I am not so enamoured of my own opinions that I disregard what others may think of them.

Those things which I am saying now may be obscure, yet they will be made clearer in their proper place.

I can easily conceive, most Holy Father, that as soon as some people learn that in this book which I have written concerning the revolutions of the heavenly bodies, I ascribe certain motions to the Earth, they will cry out at once that I and my theory should be rejected.

Finally we shall place the Sun himself at the center of the Universe.

I shall now recall to mind that the motion of the heavenly bodies is circular, since the motion appropriate to a sphere is rotation in a circle.

Near the sun is the center of the universe.

Dienstag, 16. Februar 2016

Happy Birthday LeVar Burton!

I think reading is part of the birthright of the human being.

We have an amazing advantage right now in that we have developed technology that is so sexy, so engaging for kids.

I'm a firm believer and always have been that there aren't all that many things that you should not express to children in an age-appropriate manner, and as a parent, that is your job - to be discerning as to whether or not your child can handle the information, provided you have the ability to express yourself in that age-appropriate way.

All literature is political.

That's not a role you prepare for. There's no preparation. You don't have time to prepare for the reading of an audiobook. You do the reading of an audiobook in basically two days' time - an unabridged version, maybe three days.

I'm enormously proud of the fact that Star Trek has really not just sparked an interest, but encouraged, a few generations of people to go into the sciences.

I've always been interested in gadgets and technology and I've always been a reader.

It's not about division. It's not about politics. My concern is how do we come together?

When I was young, I used to fantasize about being famous. I even practiced my signature ... for autographs. I wanted to be rich and famous. I asked for it. I created it. So now that it's here, I really can't say it sucks.

It's definitely true that there are a lot of the devices we used on 'Star Trek,' that came out the imagination of the writers, and the creators that are actually in the world today.

Wearing the visor robs me of acting. It's robs me of how we, as human beings, communicate. Communication is done primarily through the eyes. We can't see Geordi's eyes, so it is like we are cut off from one part of him. That's something I would like to address. Besides, I would think that in the 24th century, there has to be something technologically better than what Geordi's got now.

As long as we are engaged in storytelling that moves the culture forward, it doesn't matter what format it is.

I don't believe Roots could've happened ten years earlier in America, nor ten years later for that matter. Socially, the timing was perfect in every respect. The Civil Rights Movement had succeeded to the point where America was accustomed to accepting Black people as equal citizens in this society. Then came the Vietnam era which forced us to take an unvarnished look at ourselves and our politics. By the time the late seventies rolled around, I think we were finally ready to deal with the issue of slavery and how its legacy has impact even to this day.

We want a book to be a book. We'll have all the interactive bells and whistles but our intent is to engage young people in reading, not to show them a movie.

In a society that functions optimally, those who can should naturally want to provide for those who can't. That's how it's designed to work. I truly believe we're here to take care of one another.

Reading a hard copy book, and reading a book on an iPad are slightly different experiences. What they both have in common though is that you must engage your imagination in the process.

People always ask me, Could you see out of that thing? And the answer is, no, I couldn't. It was always very funny to me because when the actor puts the visor on 85 to 90 percent of my vision was taken away, yet I'm playing a guy who sees more than everyone else around him. So that's just God's cruel little joke.

It is no longer appropriate for me as an American to sit by and expect my government to get it done.

Jim Carrey can do anything he wants, right? There are guys like that. I'm not one of those guys, so my career has been cobbled together with what the universe has put in front of me.

Because storytelling, and visual storytelling, was put in the hands of everybody, and we have all now become storytellers.

I'm enormously proud of the fact that Star Trek has really not just sparked an interest, but encouraged a few generations of people to go into the sciences.

Yeah. I do. I think that we have to continue to expand the areas in which we want our kids to be literate. And social media's going to be a part of their lives. And why not? Why not give them a sense of what the rules of the road are?

I believe fantasy/role play is a very healthy form of creative expression. We don't do enough of it as adults. So you won't find me knocking folks who create characters for themselves and dress up on the weekend.

I fly my geek flag proudly. Absolutely.

Technobabble brings with it its own challenge. Because it really doesn't mean anything. Well I mean it does to the technically and scientifically proficient, but it really didn't mean much to me, because I'm not an engineer, I just played one on TV. The methodology that I found most successful was to really spit it out as fast as I possibly could. Giving the illusion that I knew what I was talking about when, in fact, I really didn't.

I have always been a fan of 'Star Trek.' I love Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future.

What I love about Star Trek is that it's about inclusion. It's about diversity and inclusion. Star Trek says there is an infinite number of life forms that exist out there in – in the cosmos and they all have value. Every single one of them.

I genuinely believe we have an opportunity to revolutionize how we educate our children.

I read a lot of science fiction books when I was a kid. And very few of them had heroes of colour in the pages of those novels. There were some, but they were the exceptions and so that's why Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future was really important to me growing up because it said when the future comes, there will be people like you who are vital and important to that mission of going out there and boldly exploring.

This wired generation is kind of cool.

You know that phrase, love your neighbor as yourself? My hope, as we head towards the millenium, is that we need to take the message to the next level. My neighbor and myself are the same.

And it's here and it's ready and we can really revolutionize the way we educate our children with tablet computers, and I'm committed to doing whatever I can to speaking to whomever I can to send this signal - to pound this message home. Now is the time.

We had to figure out how to produce books in a cost-effective way.

I get most of my news updates from electronic and social media.

You can break down anything for a child, and you have to know what your child is ready for and what your child is not.

There would be no Star Trek unless there were transporter malfunctions.

For me, literacy means freedom. For the individual and for society.

I'm excited to see how current and future technologies revolutionize the way we learn.

Maturity is a series of shattered illusions.

If we marry educational technology with quality, enriching content, that's a circle of win.

For me, a good children's book is a good children's book is a good children's book.

I've always been interested in gadgets and technology and I've always been a reader.

I feel like I have been able to notice throughout the incremental march of history during the course of my own lifetime patterns emerging, and there's a sort of a rubber band effect that happens where social growth and change is concerned.

We can't afford to sacrifice another generation of American children to bureaucratic politics. We've got to get it done. The future, the health, the life - our nation depends on it and it's just foolish to think or act otherwise.

Libraries do one thing that no other institution does and that's provide access to all.

The unvarnished truth is that we have spent the last decade funding the machinery of war, and our children have been sacrificed.

After many years of training myself, strong emotions are now a trigger for me to look at something. I think that all emotions are triggers for us to grow in our level of consciousness.