
Montag, 15. Dezember 2014

Happy Birthday Garrett Wang!

One positive thing regarding maturation that happened from being on the show was the elimination of the racial chip on my shoulder. Eight years in Memphis, TN, being the target of daily racial epithets, made me overly sensitive to the stares and looks of strangers. In college, I had developed an almost militant attitude in that I would respond to prolonged looks by strangers with a defiant scowl or a combative, "What are you staring at?!" I strived to be the complete opposite of the quiet, non-confrontational Asian. Well, once 'Voyager' started, I quickly realized that the majority of the staring was by strangers who recognized me from the show and not active members of some white supremacist group.

Sie bringen wahllos Torpedos in unserer Flugbahn zur Explosion.

I was the first actor in Star Trek history to be denied the chance to direct. The irony of the situation was that, unlike my predecessors, who only wanted to direct for the sake of directing and acquiring their DGA cards, I was the only one who wanted to direct Trek and make it the best it could be, drawing upon my knowledge and experiences as a lifelong fan of science fiction. I truly believe that if I was given the chance, it would have been the best freshman effort by a Trek actor because of my passion for sci-fi. This missed opportunity has haunted me ever since.

Captain, da draußen gibt es keine Sterne!

Well, if the next Star Trek series or the following one asked me to cross over, I probably would say no. I would definitely consider doing a guest-starring role, and maybe even a recurring role, as an alien or as Kim, but I would probably prefer doing it as a completely different character.

Je bewusster Du Deinen Weg gehst, desto erfolgreicher verläuft Dein Leben.

I believe that I now have a huge responsibility in being one of a very small number of Asian Americans appearing on television regularly.

Jeder, der sich die Fähigkeit erhält, Schönes zu erkennen, wird nie alt werden.
Franz Kafka

I have a good relationship with the other actors here. It's truly like a family and ... there's always some sort of competition, but everybody loves each other.

Je mehr Kerzen deine Geburtstagstorte hat, desto weniger Atem hast du, um sie auszublasen.
Jean Cocteau

Any time you go into something, you have expectations, Some are met and some are not met.

Wenn jemand allemal tagtäglich so freundlich ist und so verträglich und herzlich, ohne sich zu zieren, dann wird man gerne gratulieren: Das neue Lebensjahr sei heiter; Glück sei der ständige Begleiter!

I asked somebody who was in the United States Navy. I said, "You know, if you're a Ensign, seven years later, what rank are you?" He said, "Well, almost a Lieutenant Commander", which is what Tuvok was at the end, so it is a little annoying that I didn't get.

Kummer, sei lahm! Sorge, sei blind! Es lebe das Geburtstagskind!
Theodor Fontane

I could sit around on my butt and wait another fifteen years before somebody writes anything good, so why shouldn't I be the person to write that?

Das Leben wird nach Jahren gezählt und nach Taten gemessen.

I like Moby, I like Basement Jaxx, Chicane, I also like DJ Taylor, I like a lot of the sounds that come out of Ibiza. But mostly Trance and Hardhouse.

Jede Gabe sei begrüßt, doch vor allen Dingen: Das, worum Du Dich bemühst, mög Dir gelingen.
Wilhelm Busch

Now that it's all said and done I would say that there are certain things that I would have kept exactly the same and certain things I would have changed.

Ich wünsche dir den schönsten Tag, erfüllt mit Sonnenschein und Glück und davon gleich auf einen Schlag 365 Stück!

Zufrieden sein ist große Kunst,
zufrieden scheinen großer Dunst,
zufrieden werden großes Glück,
zufrieden bleiben Meisterstück.

Live long and Prosper!

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