
Montag, 5. November 2018

Happy Birthday Armin Shimerman!

We were right across from each other for years on the lot, but I never met Jeri Ryan until Boston Public.

I didn't take anything from the set, at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I wanted to remember everything the way it was.

We store curse words in a different part of our brain than language. Which is why when you hit your thumb with a hammer, that’s what comes out!

I’m somewhat within the nexus of acting and teaching. One of my many hats at Antaeus is that of a teacher of Shakespeare. I’ve been teaching there for quite some time.

I got involved as an actor back in 2005. I had tried to get into the membership years before. It started in L.A. about 25 years ago by a wonderful Shakespearean scholar by the name of Dakin Matthews. I had just moved to Los Angeles and very much wanted to be a part of the company because of my Shakespearean background. I had a lot of Broadway experience and a great deal of Shakespeare festivals and thought I’d be a good part of the ensemble. But… they rejected me!

Classical literature is primarily about language. The plots are rather stodgy and they’ve been copied over and over again. The language that the great playwrights used to talk about those plots and characters is what fascinates, intrigues and why those particular plays have survived the centuries. In the theatre, we call it language or composition – in Star Trek, they call it techno-babble. It’s the same thing. But the actor, teacher,  has to be able to use that language correctly to reach the audience to facilitate understanding through imagination.

To be an actor capable of shouldering those huge topics is essential to communicate with them.

The generosity of the entire company has been astounding. We are blessed to have so many passionate people in our midst whose hearts are so devoted to the arts. Having emptied our pockets, we now look to a wider community to help build our new home.

Well, what we were told about the Ferengi and what we ended up with were like night and day. The Ferengi were going to be the new Klingons. They were never meant to be a comical race; they were meant to be ferocious and menacing. And unfortunately, they hired me to play one of the lead Ferengi, and I failed miserably.

My final performance was not at all what Gene Roddenberry wanted. By that point, he was rather sick, and he was not on set. But I met him briefly--maybe no more than 30 seconds--when he looked at my makeup and looked at my costume.

I didn't put it behind me for years; it was like sword of Damocles hanging over my head. All of my work on Deep Space Nine, for the first four seasons, was me trying to eradicate that original performance from everyone's mind. It was my personal agenda to rectify the mistake I made--to take a one-dimensional character and make him a three-dimensional character.

I auditioned for the role three times, and I went through a lot of angst.
When I first found out about the role, I browbeat my agent to get me auditions. I was one of the earliest actors to audition for Quark. A good six weeks went by, and I heard nothing. I kept calling my agent for feedback. But eventually, I assumed it wasn't going to happen, and I was heartbroken.
Six weeks later, my agent called and said I had a callback. I auditioned for a room of suits at Paramount with my good friend Max Grodenchik. And ten days later, I had a final audition with Rick Berman and Michael Piller. What I later found out is that I and the other actors sitting in the hallway would eventually become the series regulars. Twenty-four hours later, I was notified that I was going to be a series regular. And I'm proud to say that I was the first one called.
I was ecstatic; I was performing Hamlet that evening, and my feet didn't touch the stage.

Democracy alert. 3 days until election day.Have you planned to set aside time to get to your polling place? It might take an hour or more to fulfill your American responsibility.If you need a ride, there are org.s in some cities like Uber who will drive you to the polls for free.

Democracy alert. 4 days until election day. Use the time to study the issues and make plans to get your couch potato friends to the polling booths. Voting is not somebody else's responsibility -- its yours and mine. Vote on Tuesday.

Democracy alert. 5 Days to Election day. Vote your conscience. Mine is with those who support protecting ACA and those with existing medical conditions, giving them access to affordable insurance. To do otherwise is unconscionable.
Whatever your choice, VOTE ON TUESDAY!

Ken,no,I will be credulous as to why people vote R.But everyone is entitled to vote for what they believe in.I just don't agree in what the current batch of Republicans espouse.I do believe in insurance for everyone,a fair-minded immigration policy, and a woman's right to choose.

Democracy Alert: six days until you must vote. Remember to register. People around the world died to get the right to vote. Don't fritter your chance away!

Shootings and mail bombs are not what America is about. What can we all do to make a change? Please think about it. We all have responsibility and blame.

Mark, Immigration law is Law. Cite me details where the Law is being broken instead of parroting snide character assassinations. Otherwise, follow your own credo and "do not enter" into the conversation.

Flying off to UK today. But before I go, let me remind people in the states of OR, NJ, KS, MD, and one or two others, this is your last day to register to vote. If you don't vote, you have no right to take part in the political conversation.

A score of years later and there we all were on the Paramount lot again. Good times. Good memories. Along with loving friends who came to help celebrate the "best" of Trek. Thanks to all who took time to speak with me.

Park Service is proposing rules to stifle the right to lawful assembly at many important sites in DC.Seems the WH is uncomfortable w/ folks protesting in front of the White House,other Nat. Monuments.This is attack on free speech.We must not let this happen.Make your voice heard.

Its a week until I fly off to Birmingham, UK for Destination Star Trek Birmingham. I hope to see lots of friends from Europe and meet a whole lot more. It will be a hoot to put the Quark make-up and costume on again after all these years. & OMG, the teeth!!

Oh, Captain! MY captain! All my prayers and wishes on a very happy birthday to one of the most extra-odinary men I have ever met!-Armin

FYI, for years I was leader at the Screen Actors Guild. I was proud to be one of the leaders of my union. I pass this along to inform and advocate. In union there is strength.

Don't know if this is bogus or not. But in my heart I hope it is legit. If so, I thought it is good to put this out.

Admiral Scott. You accepted my challenge. I think the least I could do is accept your offer of a podcast. How about next month some time when I am not as busy?

Good news? Do you mean pro presidential headlines or just good news? And what's wrong with the Business section? Reportage is still reportage. Facts are still facts.

Free Speech is free speech , unless you hurt someone with it, Calling "fire" in a movie theater. This has been decided by our Supreme Court.

With all due respect, the press is not responsible for my opinions- I am. If I see something is wrong and I have done due diligence to investigate, I have the choice to ignore it.

If I say something you doubt, please do the research to say I have got it wrong.

Who do you mean by "the press" and can you give me an example of a lie?
I'm not being argumentative, just interested in knowing.

I understand standing up for the 2nd amendment,but I also understand standing up for the 1st amendment.A free & untethered press keeps our country educated & safe from ignorance. Let's all stand up for free speech, whether its John Brennan's, our political opponents', or our own.

Really??! All these years, I thought it was you and Denise that left that note on Herb's desk. Well, live and learn. Please thank Jim for a memorable moment and hugs to you and Denise.

I wish I had attended the panel. So much to learn. fingernails were blue. Self-gratification is a lonely business.

No one is blip. Everyone has a passionate story to tell. Yours sounds like a doozy. Are we not all part of the community of Man?

Please get your facts and history right. Though the law was on the books for both Obama and Bush, neither administration enforced the separation of parents from children. The new administration obviously has chosen to do otherwise.

Remember our Lady in the harbor, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” We have for centuries asked that homeless family to join us and find a place in "our house."

Intelligent??!! Well,I did meet Stephen Hawking on the set of DS-9, but, Michael, if you want me to say "You're the most intelligent -intelligent-est- person you'll ever meet," then I'm happy to say so.(But its a lie.)( however the "kindest..warmest man", isn't.) He's a pussycat.

Got a call today from @akaWorf grousing that I never Tweet about him. So, here's to Michael Dorn the kindest, bestest, warmest man that you'll ever meet.
There, Michael, happy?

The Antaeus theatre once again serves up "perfection." I am proud to be a member. We're Antaeus, come see us.

Beware the Ides of March. But make it out to see us on Sunday.

Be kind to the ones you love. They are what makes life worth living. Family, friendships, mentors. Take a moment and reflect, "where would you be without them." Thank them now before separation cruelly cuts in.

I'm thrilled to participate. The Lord knows what I'll say!

I hope Trump is enjoying himself in Devos, Switzerland where he swore last year this time was a waste of his time. Maybe he just wants to hobnob with the 1% of the world's wealthy. A group he's too poor to belong to.

Yes, the nation is relieved to have passed through this rough patch. Certainly, I am. And if History of shutdowns is correct, Congress will reimburse you for the unpaid days. Let's all thank the moderate senators (R&D) who brought sense to their chamber.

Well, ladies and gents, yesterday the American Senate did what I asked them to do--compromise--and a shutdown was cancelled. Debate on immigration, DACA, military spending, border protection, etc. was promised. There are no losers here; only winners. Civil discourse prevailed!!

And thankfully, they made me a part of it. Here's to Rick and Michael putting a Ferengi in their vision!!

25 years ago today,Deep Space 9 premiered on USA TV. Its a date & existence is worth remembering.I raise a glass to all the people I worked with,all the stories we told,and to the old & new fans who found inspiration & pleasure in what we did.I am honored to be a part of legend.

I realize I'm a day late, but like everyone else, I was really busy yesterday. Nevertheless, may I wish you all a belated but heartfelt best wishes for the holiday and a prayer that 2018 turns out to be spectacular. We are all blessed to be alive and to have each other.

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