
Montag, 8. Februar 2016

Happy Birthday Ethan Phillips!

Seven of Nine: You will be assimilated. 
Neelix: No time for that now. Maybe later. 

Vielen Dank, Mister Vulkanier.

The Doctor: Until I'm certain the damaged tissue can function independently, you'll have to be injected with nanoprobes on a daily basis. 
Neelix: Well, as long as I don't start... uh... assimilating the crew or sprouting Borg implants, I... I'm sure I can live with it. 

Neelix: Soll ich den Doktor ein Hypospray vorbereiten lassen?
Janeway: Äh? Wie bitte?
Neelix: Damit Sie das Koffein direkter aufnehmen können. Spart Zeit!

Seven of Nine: The Borg encountered a Kazon colony in the Gand Sector, grid 6920. 
Neelix: Were they assimilated? 
Seven of Nine: Their biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable. They were unworthy of assimilation. 
Neelix: I didn't realize the Borg were so discriminating. 
Seven of Nine: Why assimilate a species that would detract from perfection? 

Was ist mit diesem elektronischen Mann, der dort rumläuft?

Neelix: I've been resting for two days straight, and resting makes me feel, well, restless. 

Doktor: Keine Sorge, ich werde Sie nicht küssen. Ich kontrolliere nur die Einstellungen der Röhre.
Neelix: Ich werde versuchen meine Enttäuschung zu verbergen.

Seven of Nine: These nutritional supplements are unacceptable. 
Neelix: What's wrong? 
Seven of Nine: They are pungent. 
Neelix: That's the whole idea. I've been adding Talaxian spices to broaden your palate. 
Seven of Nine: My palate is sufficiently broad. 

Ich mag unter Nihiliphobie leiden, aber meine Augen sind gut.

Neelix: Nothing. 
Chakotay: What? 
Neelix: I died, and there was nothing. There was no one there. No Forest. 
Chakotay: Forest? 
Neelix: The Great Forest. The afterlife. I was taught that when I died, my ancestors would be there, waiting for me by the Guiding Tree. My sisters, my mother and father, my cousins, everyone who was killed in the war. I took great comfort in knowing that we'd all be together again one day. But it's not true. 

Keine Sorge Captain, Tuvok ist ganz der Alte bevor Sie sagen können: "Lebe lang und in Frieden."

Chakotay: Don't throw away a lifetime of faith because of one anomalous incident. Death is still the greatest mystery there is. 
Neelix: I was there. I experienced it. There was nothing. 

Neelix: Dieses Volk ist Ihnen benkannt?
Seven: Die Borg stießen im Ganth-Sektor, Gitter 6920 auf eine Kazon Kolonie.
Neelix: Wurden sie assimiliert?
Seven: Ihre biologische und technologische Eigenart ist vollkommen unbedeutend. Sie waren es nicht wert assimiliert zu werden.
Neelix: Ich wusste nicht, dass die Borg so anspruchsvoll sind.
Seven: Eine Spezies zu assimilieren, welche die Perfektion verringert wäre unsinnig.

Seven of Nine: You are a peculiar creature, Neelix. 
Neelix: Thanks. I think. 

That's what's going to happen to all of us - like a hologram we just disappear into nothing. 

I don't really like the idea of Borg technology swimming around inside me. 

Live? Oh, is that what I am doing right now, living? I'm beginning to wonder. 

Well, what right did you have to violate me? You Borg think you can fix anything, but you didn't fix me! 

Duty calls. 

That Neelix is gone. 

Eleven years ago, I saw my world in ruins... my family murdered. All that's kept me going is knowing that one day we'd be together again. That I'd see them again. But it's not true. And I can't live without that hope. 

Seven, I think you've made a wonderful addition to this crew. I know it's been difficult for you making the transition from Borg back to human, or half-human... or whatever it is you become. Actually you're... just plain Seven to me. 

I guess I just want to say... you're surrounded by people who care about you. And whether you know it or not, Voyager is going to be a very good home to you. It certainly was to me. 

So, you're saying that if I stay here, and... and try to talk to Tuvok, I might be able to provoke some sort of response? 

The chants of the monks of T'Panit! Personally, I think it's dreadful too, but it's one of Tuvok's favorites. 

I'm gonna make it my personal mission to get you to dance at least once before we reach Earth. 

I'm not a fighter. I'm just a cook - who sometimes imagines himself to be a diplomat. 

Dinner. Since you can't bring the prisoners to the mess hall, I brought the mess hall to them. 

Talaxian spice stew, served over leola rice pilaf. It's an old family recipe. 

Alone, exiled, on a planet where the only form of communication... is laughter. 

Neelix: Are you sure this rice isn't supposed to be cooked? Steamed? Fried... 
The Doctor: The idea is to shower the couple with a symbol of good fortune, not garnish them like a roast chicken. 

You sound like a travel brochure. 

Live long and prosper, Ethan Neelix Phillips!

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