
Samstag, 15. August 2015

Happy Birthday Ben Affleck!

My mother taught public school, went to Harvard and then got her master's there and taught fifth and sixth grade in a public school. My dad had a more working-class lifestyle. He didn't go to college. He was an auto mechanic and a bartender and a janitor at Harvard.

Ich bin doch kein Gwyneth-Lexikon!

Everyone's entitled to express their political beliefs. I don't presume to tell anybody who to vote for. I am comfortable telling people what my opinions are.

Sollte ich jemals mit einer toten Prostituierten im Hotelzimmer aufwachen, wäre Matt der erste Mensch, den ich anrufen würde.

I'm always described as 'cocksure' or 'with a swagger', and that bears no resemblance to who I feel like inside. I feel plagued by insecurity.

Wenn ich im Hotel neben einer toten Nutte aufwachen würde, wäre Matt Damon der Erste, den ich anriefe.

I went to the University of Vermont because I had a kind of unrequited love for this high school girlfriend. She wasn't even at the University but at another school nearby. But I thought if went to a school near her, just maybe... I was really remedial about girls in so many ways.

Sie sagen also, dass es in Wahrheit keinen Hass auf den Islam gibt. Das ist hässlich, das ist rassistisch. Was ist mit mehr als einer Milliarde Menschen, die nicht fanatisiert sind, die Frauen nicht bestrafen, die nur zur Schule gehen, essen, fünf Mal am Tag beten und nichts von alldem tun, was Ihrer Meinung nach alle Muslime tun? Wir haben mehr Muslime getötet als umgekehrt.

I have a lot of influences. I like to sit down with the cinematographer a month before, and we'll watch pieces of 20 or 30 movies. You're basically the sum of all the experiences you've ever had, and they're sort of shaken up in you and reproduced in the things you create, and that includes seeing movies.

Das Ende meiner Anonymität wurde mir klar, als ich mit einem Freund den Sunset Boulevard hinunter ging. Ein paar betrunkene Teenager warfen mir aus einem fahrenden Auto eine Bierdose in den Rücken und riefen: 'Hey Affleck, du Pfeife!

As an actor, you can steer a scene in another direction by playing it a little differently. And honestly? I like being an actor, and I want to keep having a career.

Wenn ich raten soll, wie die nächsten zehn Jahre in meinem Leben aussehen – Schauspielerei würde darin keine so große Rolle mehr spielen...Ich denke, es wäre besser für mich, zu heiraten und eine Familie zu gründen.

When I watch a guy I know is a big Republican, part of me thinks I probably wouldn't like this person if I met him, or we would have different opinions.

Früher wollte ich fünfmal am Tag Sex. Das war deprimierend. Heute will ich das wirklich nicht mehr. Das ist auch deprimierend.

All I do, really, is go to work and try to be professional, be on time and be prepared.

Manchmal ist es Britney Spears, dann wieder Carrie Fisher. Keine Ahnung, ob ich jetzt an einem Lolita- oder Ödipus-Komplex leide.

I find forgiveness to be really healthy.

If I ever woke up with a dead hooker in my hotel room, Matt would be the first person I'd call.

There's something really great and romantic about being poor and sleeping on couches.

Narcissism is the part of my personality that I am the least proud of, and I certainly don't like to see it highlighted in everybody else I meet.

I grew up in a house with a mother who was a teacher and a Freedom Rider - very left-wing Democrats living in a heterogeneous working-class neighborhood. I picked up a lot of those values there, and I brought them with me when I showed up in Hollywood.

Rumors about me? Calista Flockhart, Pam Anderson, and Matt Damon. That's who I'm dating.

The first thing that I really understood politically and was old enough to get was the failed assassination attempt on Reagan.

I have a good relationship with the world. But I don't know what the trick is to maintaining it.

I've never held myself up particularly high when I had movies that worked, and I never held myself all that low when I had failures.

I'm human, just like anybody else.

One guy told me I was a great actor, I just would never be on the cover of a magazine.

I just feel like sometimes I'm a force to be dealt with. My talents are sometimes overused and also sometimes underused. It's not easy being me.

I didn't do anything for two years but work on 'Gone Baby Gone,' and it was miserable and hard, but at the end? It is a good movie. I liked it very much. If it had been dismissed and deemed worthless, it would been definitely devastating. But that didn't happen.

I've learned to think, I may succeed or fail, but I'm going to do so on the merit of my own instincts.

I'm not the type of guy who enjoys one-night stands. It leaves me feeling very empty and cynical. It's not even fun sexually. I need to feel something for the woman and entertain the vain hope that it may lead to a relationship.

Sure, I suffered a lot. But it's not like the end of the world and it's not who I am. I lead quite a pleasant life and I'm able to divorce a perceived reality from my actual experience of life.

God help me if I ever do another movie with an explosion in it. If you see me in a movie where stuff is exploding you'll know I've lost all my money.

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