
Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2015

Happy Canada Day!

The great themes of Canadian history are as follows: Keeping the Americans out, keeping the French in, and trying to get the Natives to somehow disappear. 
Will Ferguson

Ich fliege irgendwo in den Süden - vielleicht nach Kanada oder so.
Mehmet Scholl

There are no limits to the majestic future which lies before the mighty expanse of Canada with its virile, aspiring, cultured, and generous-hearted people. 
Sir Winston Churchill

Die USA sind nicht Kanada. Wir sind nicht der 52. Staat von Amerika. Seit George W. Bush US-Präsident ist, empfinden manche Kanadier das sogar als Beleidigung, wenn wir in einen Topf geworfen werden.
Keanu Reeves

Canadians are the people who learned to live without the bold accents of the natural ego-trippers of other lands. 
Marshall McLuhan

Ein Grund, warum ich Montreal liebe, ist die Tatsache, dass im Juni hier immer ein Hummer-Festival stattfindet.
Heinz-Harald Frentzen

It is the task of the rising generation of Canadians to create a new confidence and a new sense of cultural and civic duty in Canada. Unless we achieve some success on this front, and I believe we are beginning to do so, the very real attractions of the vigorous society to the South of us may attract too many of our able people. Then the human resources and skills required to shape and direct a complex industrial economy will simply not be available to us in Canada. 
Mitchell Sharp

Canada is the linchpin of the English-speaking world. 
Sir Winston Churchill

Americans should never underestimate the constant pressure on Canada which the mere presence of the United States has produced. We're different people from you and we're different people because of you. Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is effected by every twitch and grunt. It should not therefore be expected that this kind of nation, this Canada, should project itself as a mirror image of the United States. 
Pierre Trudeau

I think every Canadian should have a map of Canada in his or her house. It should be displayed in a place where one can sit and contemplate the wonderful vastness of this land. As Canadians we are continuously groping for an identity and a sense of love for our nation. We grapple with the concept, find it somewhat distasteful and leave it for another day. We find American flag waving, hand over heart while belting out Oh, say, can you see... too much and avoid doing the same. We admire their national spirit, but Canadians are, in contrast, understated. To understand the identity that exists in our hearts think of our sweepingly majestic home, its quiet, serene beauty. A beauty recognizable to us all. We are proud of this nation and of who we are. We just don't say it. It's like the map. It just sits there on the wall displaying the lines of our coasts, the bulk of our waterways, and the breadth of our northern territories. Surveying all of this leaves me in awe. It brings a tear to my eye...O Canada... 
Debora O'Neil

Canadians have an abiding interest in surprising those Americans who have historically made little effort to learn about their neighbour to the North. 
Peter Jennings

Vive la Canada. This country is not for sale. 
Don Sweet

When I'm in Canada, I feel this is what the world should be like. 
Jane Fonda

Whether we live together in confidence and cohesion; with more faith and pride in ourselves and less self-doubt and hesitation; strong in the conviction that the destiny of Canada is to unite, not divide; sharing in cooperation, not in separation or in conflict; respecting our past and welcoming our future. 
Lester Pearson

Canada is probably the most free country in the world where a man still has room to breathe, to spread out, to move forward, to move out, an open country with an open frontier. Canada has created harmony and cooperation among ethnic groups, and it must take this experience to the world because there is yet to be such an example of harmony and cooperation among ethnic groups. 
Valentyn Moroz

We are lucky to live in a country as rich as ours. To break it apart would be asinine in the highest degree. 
Barry Gerding

I read and learned and fretted more about Canada after I left than I ever did while I was home. I absorbed anything I could on topics that ranged from Folklore to history to political manifestos... I ranted and raved and seethed about things beyond my control. In short I acted like a Canadian. 
Will Ferguson

After all, we fought the Yanks in 1812 and kicked them the hell out of our country - but not with blanks. 
Farley Mowat

Canada is a country whose main exports are hockey players and cold fronts. Our main imports are baseball players and acid rain. 
Pierre Trudeau

I am so excited about Canadians ruling the world. 
John Diefenbaker

With or without the Royals, we are not Americans. Nor are we British. Or French. Or Void. We are something else. And the sooner we define this, the better. 
Will Ferguson

Canadians have been so busy explaining to the Americans that we aren't British, and to the British that we aren't Americans that we haven't had time to become Canadians. 
Helen Gordon McPherson

We shall be Canadians first, foremost, and always, and our policies will be decided in Canada and not dictated by any other country. 
John G. Diefenbaker

I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind. 
John Diefenbaker 

Canada is an interesting place; the rest of the world thinks so, even if Canadians don't. 
Terence M. Green

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