
Donnerstag, 26. März 2015

Happy Birthday Leonard Nimoy! Rest in peace! Alav ha-shalom!

I think it's my adventure, my trip, my journey, and I guess my attitude is, let the chips fall where they may.

Ich bin Vulkanier. Ich habe kein Ego, das man kränken könnte.

I think about myself as like an ocean liner that's been going full speed for a long distance, and the captain pulls the throttle back all the way to 'stop,' but the ship doesn't stop immediately, does it? It has its own momentum and it keeps on going, and I'm very flattered that people are still finding me useful.

Das Wohl von Vielen, es wiegt schwerer als das Wohl von Wenigen oder eines Einzelnen. 

I'm touched by the idea that when we do things that are useful and helpful - collecting these shards of spirituality - that we may be helping to bring about a healing.

Logik ist der Anfang aller Weisheit, Lieutenant Valeris, nicht das Ende.

My folks came to U.S. as immigrants, aliens, and became citizens. I was born in Boston, a citizen, went to Hollywood and became an alien.

Faszinierend ist ein Wort, das ich nur benutze, wenn mich etwas überrascht. 

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

Die Logik ist ein kleiner zwitschernder Vogel, der in der Wiese zirpt. Die Logik ist aber auch ein Kranz von duftenden Rosen, der ziemlich übel stinkt.

You proceed from a false assumption: I have no ego to bruise.

Ohne Kreativität gibt es keine Entwicklung. 

Boston was a great city to grow up in, and it probably still is. We were surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums. And I learned how to sail on the Charles River. So I had a great childhood in Boston. It was wonderful.

Ich widerspreche Intellekt ohne Disziplin, ich widerspreche Macht ohne konstruktives Ziel.

The miracle is this: the more we share the more we have.

Käpt´n, Sie haben mich fast dazu gebracht, an Glück zu glauben.

Some words having to do with the death of the people in the World Trade Center attack had been added, and when I got to it, I had this overwhelmingly emotional experience. I struggled to get through the words; tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Es ist keine Lüge, wenn man die Wahrheit für sich behält.

That's true, because I'm a photographer now.

Auf meinem Planeten bedeutet ausruhen, sich auszuruhen – keine Energie zu verschwenden. Für mich ist es recht unlogisch, auf einem grünen Rasen hoch und runter zu laufen, Energie zu verbrauchen, anstatt sie zu sparen.

Which is probably the reason why I work exclusively in black and white... to highlight that contrast.

Im strengen wissenschaftlichen Sinn ernähren wir uns alle vom Tod – auch Vegetarier.

But if you're talking about fine art work, then I think you have to ask yourself some pretty deep questions about why it is you want to take pictures and what it is you want to say.

Wenn ich ein Mensch wäre, wäre meine Antwort mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit: ‘Fahrt zur Hölle!’. Wenn ich ein Mensch wäre.

I became hooked on the idea of being able to shoot an image and process it myself, and end up with a product.

Alles was ich kenne, ist Logik.

What I'm exploring right now is the subject of my own mortality. It's an area that I'm curious about, and I'm researching it to see if there's a photographic essay in it for me. If images don't start to come, I'll go to something else.

Trauern Sie nicht um mich, es war eine logische Entscheidung. Das Wohl von Vielen, es wiegt schwerer als das Wohl von Wenigen oder eines Einzelnen. Ich war es und ich werde es immer sein, Ihr Freund. Leben Sie lange und in Frieden.

My memory of those places is better than my pictures. That's why I get much more satisfaction out of shooting thematic work that has to do with an idea that I'm searching for, or searching to express.

Schätzen entspricht nicht meiner Natur.

For a period of time, I carried cameras with me wherever I went, and then I realized that my interest in photography was turning toward the conceptual. So I wasn't carrying around cameras shooting stuff, I was developing concepts about what I wanted to shoot. And then I'd get the camera angle and do the job.

I did not move into developing or processing color. I stayed with black and white. I still think to this day that I prefer to work in black and white if it has to do with poetry or anything other than specific reality. I have worked in color when I thought it was the appropriate way to express the thought that I was working on.

Raucher, bitte versteht. Wenn ihr aufhört, nachdem ein Lungenschaden diagnostiziert wurde, ist es zu spät. Opa sagt, lernt von mir.

My dream concept is that I have a camera and I am trying to photograph what is essentially invisible. And every once in a while I get a glimpse of her and I grab that picture.

Raucht nicht. Ich habe geraucht und wünschte, ich hätte es nie getan.

I became enamored with photography when I was about 13 or 14 years old. I've been at it ever since. I studied seriously in the '70s.

Meine Leute kamen in die USA als Immigranten, Ausländer, und wurden Staatsbürger. Ich wurde in Boston geboren, bin ein Staatsbürger, ging nach Hollywood und wurde ein Außerirdischer.

That is the exploration that awaits you! Not mapping stars and studying nebula, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence.

I'm attracted to images that come from a personal exploration of a subject matter. When they have a personal stamp to them, then I think it becomes identifiable.

I became involved in photography when I was about thirteen years old.

I also do my own processing, so it means a big commitment in lab time.

I certainly don't live in a kosher home although I was raised in a kosher environment.

A neighborhood friend showed me how it was possible to go to a camera shop and pick up chemicals for pennies... literally... and develop your own film and make prints.

"I have been and always shall be your friend"

One of my most favorite Star Trek moments...

Live Long and Prosper.

Hello, I'm Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounters is true. By true I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies and in the end, isn't that the truth?

The answer is no.

Rocket ships 
are exciting but so are roses on a birthday.

I believe in goodness, mercy and charity. I believe in casting bread upon the waters.

The means of many out way the means of the few or one.

Prayer Against the Darkness

Pray for us now
bound with scripture
and shielded with shawl
Armed with passion
and loving care
Pray for us now
against suffering, turmoil, and injustice
Pray for us now
against the chaos of the dark.


I am convinced
That if all mankind
Could only gather together
In one circle
Arms on each other's shoulders
And dance, laugh and cry
Then much
of the tension and burden
of life
Would fall away
In the knowledge that
We are all children
Needing and wanting
Each other's
Comfort and
We are all children
Searching for love.

Embracing the Light

Collected bits of truth
Shimmering sparks
Shards of light
Bursting Bright
in divine ecstatic flame.

I am intrigued with scriptural mythology that tells us that God created a divine feminine presence to dwell amongst humanity. This concept has had a constant influence on the work. I have imagined her as ubiquitous, watchful, and often in motion. This work is, in effect, the photographic image of the invisible.

I have found my way, step by step, proceeding from touch points that have emerged, some through conscious choice and some through dream state discovery.

Don't smoke. I did. Wish I never had. LLAP

A movie scene: stranger lands on earth. Hits buttons on a small device. All guns on earth are melted . He leaves. LLAP

Blessed are the peacemakers. Heal the earth. LLAP

A leader shall appear. It is not only necessary, it is logical. LLAP

In California there's this wet stuff coming down from the sky. Is this what's called "rain"? LLAP

I turned off the talking politicos. Too much jabbering at each other. Not enough care about humans. LLAP

We are all children searching for love. LLAP

Somewhere in the great ocean there is a humpback whale named Spock. LLAP indeed

My door is still open to honorary grandchildren. Say "yes" and step inside. LLAP

All honoraries accepted including brothers,sisters, nieces, nephews etc. LLAP

How good it feels to know some folks are quitting smoking because of tweets here !! Blessings and strength to you all. LLAP

Some say E-cigs help to quit smoking. Maybe. But they give nicotine which is highly addictive. Be warned. LLAP

Cigarettes don't make anything better. Nicotine taken in any form is addictive. Look into mindful meditation instead. LLAP

No matter how you get it, nicotine is addictive and dangerous. Sucks oxigen out of your lungs and money out of your pocket. LLAP

LLAQ!! Live long and quit

Blessings to you who are quitting smoking. Nicotine doesn't make things better. LLAP

I tried to "smoke a little". Failed.  I finally learned I cannot smoke at all. Quitting isn't easy. I went thru a program. Now FREE. LLAP

Quitting smoking ? Great!! Drink lots of water to wash nicotine out of your system. LLAP

Smokers, please understand. If you quit after you're diagnosed with lung damage it's too late. Grandpa says learn my lesson. Quit now. LLAP.

I quit smoking 30 yrs ago. Not soon enough. I have COPD. Grandpa says, quit now!! LLAP

A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP

Ein Leben ist wie ein Garten. Perfekte Momente können erlebt, aber nicht bewahrt werden, außer in der Erinnerung. Lebt lang und in Frieden

Live long and prosper.

Dif-tor heh smusma.

Lebe lang und in Frieden.

May Spock LLAP 

Thank you for all, honorary grandpa!

I have been, and ever shall be, your fan.

You aren´t really dead, as long as we remember you! 

Rest in Peace!

Alav Ha-sholom

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