Natürlich Sir. Sonst würde ich ja meinen Ruf verlieren, dass ich echte Wunder vollbringen kann.
I really didn't have to work, shall we say, with Star Trek. It was a natural. When I opened my mouth, there was Scotty. It's like I tell people what you see in Scotty is 99% James Doohan and 1% accent.
Je komplizierter der Mechanismus, um so leichter ist es ein bißchen Verwirrung zu stiften. Hier, Doktor, ein paar kleine Erinnerungsstücke von einem Chirurgen zum anderen. Die stammen aus dem Haupt-Transwarp-Computerantrieb.
That's the responsibility of all actors: to keep your character as vibrant as possible. I just live my life and I like my characters to live that life, too. At least Scotty, anyway, because Scotty is the closest to Jimmy Doohan that I've ever done.
Computer? Hallo Computer ...?
Tastatur, wie rückständig!
I wish I could say that Bill is a nice man, but he isn't.
Na klar bin ich unschlagbar. Ich kenne dieses Schiff, wie meine Westentasche!
Well, I was always... I used to get 100% in physics and chemistry and mathematics (well, maybe a couple of points off in mathematics), and that was in high school.
Ich mag dieses Schiff, hier ist es aufregend.
What shocked me, my manager called me up one day and told me that I was going to do a video on "Cold Fusion: Fire from Water" and I couldn't believe it. I couldn't wait to get there and start working on it.
8 Wochen mindestens. Aber für Sie werde ich es in 2 Wochen schaffen.
It was a fluke that between Christmas and New Year's of 1945 and 1946, I put my books down, turned on the radio and heard the worst drama I had ever heard, ever. It got my dander up because I had done some speaking and a little bit of acting.
Wenn meine Großmutter Flügel hätte, könnte Sie vielleicht auch fliegen.
It's the greatest feeling in the world and I do it about 30 to 35 to 40 times a year.
Geben Sie mir noch einen Tag, Sir. Die Maschinenkontrolle ist einfach, aber die klingonische Schrift ist schwer.
The android at the bar said you could show me my old ship. Let me see it.
Ich habe die primitive Dilizium-Sequenz-Schaltung vollkommen umgebaut. Ach und Admiral. Ich habe auch den klingonischen Proviant ersetzt. Von dem Zeug hab' ich immer Sodbrennen bekommen.
N-C-C-1-7-0-1. No bloody A - B - C - or D!
Wenn Sie es befehlen, Sir, steig' ich in jeden Kahn ein.
The Enterprise? I should have known. I bet Jim Kirk himself hauled the old girl out of mothballs to come looking for me.
Das ist doch horrender Blödsinn, sowas gibt's doch gar nicht! Wenn wir in so kurzer Zeit diese Entfernung zurückgelegt haben, dann fress' ich 'n Besen, der zehn Jahre in Sirup gestanden hat!
Do you mind a little advice? Starfleet captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way. But the secret is to give them only what they need, not what they want.
Lassen Sie mich 'runterbeamen, ich will's den Doofköpfen persönlich beweisen... den Gentlemen!
Laddie, I was drinking Scotch a hundred years before you were born. And I can tell you that whatever this is, it is definitely not Scotch.
Verdammter Mist! Tja, also wissen Sie, Mr. Spock, dazu möchte ich Ihnen mal in netter Form mitteilen, dass es mir wirklich scheißegal ist, ob ich in 14, 87 oder in 15 Minuten mein Besteck abgeben muss!
Never get drunk unless you're willing to pay for it - the next day.
Ich habe die Frostplatte jetzt entfernt ... das sieht wie'n Nordlicht aus. Verdammt, das ist hundsgefährlich!
And I don't feel a day over 120.
There comes a time when a man finds that he can't fall in love again. He knows that it's time to stop. I don't belong on your ship. I belong on this one. This was my home. This is where I had a purpose... But it's not real. It's just a computer-generated fantasy. And I'm just an old man who's trying to hide in it.
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