Kunst, Wissenschaft und Leben vermögen das Bedürfnis nach Befriedigung und Einigung der geistigen Interessen nicht zu bieten; was sie versagen, gewährt der religiöse Glaube und nur er allein: er ist darum nicht ein zeitweises, subjektives, sondern ein notwendiges Bedürfnis des Menschen.
How often when we are comfortable, we begin to long for something new!
Alles Große in der Welt hat seine Nachfolger und Nachahmer gehabt, die sich daran gedrängt und angeschlossen, bis der Gipfel, der einsam steht und die Sterne grüßt, durch sie mit dem Tale verbunden worden.
I'm Death, and I make sure that everyone is equal.
Kühnen und Wagenden steht ungesehen das Glück bei, plötzlich ist etwas geraten.
Skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony.
Ein schlechtes Leben steht nicht still, es führt sich immer wieder.
Love is like death, it must come to us all, but to each his own unique way and time, sometimes it will be avoided, but never can it be cheated, and never will it be forgotten.
Wer die Geschichte durchforscht, muß die Poesie als einen der mächtigsten Hebel zur Erhöhung des Menschengeschlechts, ja als wesentliches Erfordernis für dessen Aufschwung anerkennen.
My mother, she killed me,
My father, he ate me,
My sister Marlene,
Gathered all my bones,
Tied them in a silken scarf,
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.
Das Leben ist findend und schöpferisch, die Lehre nur festigend und gestaltend, nimmer würde aber die trefflichste Lehre ihr Werk verrichten, träte ihr nicht aus dem Lernenden ein empfängliches und mitfruchtendes Verständnis gegenüber.
They were indeed great rascals, and belonged to that class of people who find things before they are lost.
Jeder Verlust ist für ein Glück zu achten, der höhere Gewinne zuwege bringt.
Some men are born to good luck: all they do or try to do comes right—all that falls to them is so much gain—all their geese are swans—all their cards are trumps—toss them which way you will, they will always, like poor puss, alight upon their legs, and only move on so much the faster. The world may very likely not always think of them as they think of themselves, but what care they for the world? what can it know about the matter?
Den Staaten unserer Zeit ist überhaupt mit mittelmäßigen Leuten am besten gedient, die sich in alles fügen. Streben nach eigentümlicher unabhängiger Gelehrsamkeit wird nicht nur nicht begünstigt, sondern gefürchtet.
She'll sting you one day,
Oh, ever so gently,
so you hardly ever feel it.
'til you fall dead.
Was aber helfen die edelsten Rechte dem, der sie nicht handhaben kann?
He who is too well off is always longing for something new.
Alles fruchtbare Erkennen muß ein fortwachsendes sein.
Lina said to Fundevogel: 'Never leave me, and I will never leave you.' Fundevogel said: 'Neither now, nor ever.' Then said Lina: 'Do you become a rose-tree, and I the rose upon it.
"Heinrich, der Wagen bricht." - "Nein, Herr, der Wagen nicht, es ist ein Band von meinem Herzen, das da lag in großen Schmerzen..."
Turn back, turn back,thou pretty bride,
Within this house thou must not abide.
For here do evil things betide.
...etwas Besseres als den Tod findest du überall...
Ach, wie gut, daß niemand weiß, daß ich Rumpelstilzchen heiß!
In the olden days, when wishing still worked, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest daughter was so lovely that even the sun... was struck with wonder.
Alle Sprachen, solange sie gesund sind, haben einen Naturtrieb, das Fremde von sich abzuhalten, und wo sein Eindrang erfolgte, es wieder auszustoßen.
Then up he got with a light heart, free from all his troubles, and walked on till he reached his mother's house, and told her how very easy the road to good luck was.
Aller Sage Grund ist Mythos, das heißt Götterglaube, wie er von Volk zu Volk in unendlicher Abstufung wurzelt.
My love for her is so great, that if all the leaves on all the trees were tongues, they could not declare it.
Das Erste, was ein aufrichtiges Gemüt aus der Betrachtung alter Fabel und Sage lernen kann, ist, daß hinter ihnen kein eitler Grund, keine Erdichtung, sondern wahrhafte Dichtung liegt.
You shall tie the marriage knot with the ropemaker's daughter and the cawing of the crows will be your wedding song.
Das Recht ist neben den geistlichen Dingen dem Volk das Heiligste.
Before the castle gate all was as the fox had said: so the son went in and found the chamber where the golden bird hung in a wooden cage, and below.
Das Verhältnis des Mythos zur Geschichte ist mit andern Worten das des Schicksals zur Freiheit.
Jacob wrote that the true poet ‘is like a man who is happy anywhere, in endless measure, if he is allowed to look at leaves and grass, to see the sun rise and set. The false poet travels abroad in strange countries and hopes to be uplifted by the mountains of Switzerland, the sky and sea of Italy. He comes to them and is dissatisfied. He is not as happy as the man who stays at home and sees the apple trees flower in spring, and hears the small birds singing among the branches.
Der Wind, der Wind, das himmlische Kind...
In olden times, when wishing still helped...
Die höchste Kultur erhebt den Menschen über das Nationale und macht ihn ganz einfach.
Time passed on; and as the eldest son did not come back, and no tidings were heard of him, the second son set out, and the same thing happened to him. He met the fox, who gave him the good advice: but when he came to the two inns, his eldest brother was standing at the window where the merrymaking was, and called to him to come in; and he could not withstand the temptation, but went in, and forgot the golden bird and his country in the same manner.
Die Poesie ist das, was rein aus dem Gemüt ins Wort kommt.
Take me as godfather." The man asked, "Who art thou?" "I am Death, and I make all equal." Then said the man, "Thou art the right one, thou takest the rich as well as the poor, without distinction; thou shalt be godfather." Death answered, "I will make thy child rich and famous, for he who has me for a friend can lack nothing.
Die Sprache zeigt sich überall haushälterisch, sie wendet die kleinsten, unscheinlichsten Mittel auf und reicht damit doch zu großen Dingen hin.
“Alas, wife, what are you saying?'
'Husband,' said she. 'If I can't order the moon and sun to rise, and have to look on and see the sun and moon rising, I can't bear it. I shall not know what it is to have another happy hour, unless I can make them rise myself.'
Then she looked at him so terribly that a shudder ran over him, and said, 'Go at once; I wish to be like unto God.”
Ein Volk ist der Inbegriff von Menschen, welche dieselbe Sprache reden.
In the meantime, when he went on his way back, the seed had grown into a tree which reached up to the sky. Then thought the peasant, 'As thou hast the chance, thou must just see what the angels are doing up there above, and for once have them before thine eyes.' So he climbed up, and saw that the angels above were threshing oats, and he looked on.
Es ist traurig, für ein nicht lesendes Publikum zu schreiben.
A merchant, who had three daughters, was once setting out upon a journey; but before he went he asked each daughter what gift he should bring back for her. The eldest wished for pearls; the second for jewels; but the third, who was called Lily, said, 'Dear father, bring me a rose.' Now it was no easy task to find a rose, for it was the middle of winter; yet as she was his prettiest daughter, and was very fond of flowers, her father said he would try what he could do. So he kissed all three, and bid them goodbye.
Es war ein heiterer, der Menscheit würdiger Gedanke, ihre Toten der hellen und reinen Flamme statt der trägen Erde zu überlassen.
He dug and ploughed over his piece of land, and then sowed some turnip seed. Soon the seed began to show itself above ground, and there grew on turnip immensely large and thick, which seemed as if it would never have done growing, but was a princess among turnips; and as there had never before been seen such a turnip, so also there has never been such another since.
Ich bin so satt, ich mag kein Blatt.
The true poet, is like a man who's happy anywhere, in endless measure, if he's allowed to look at leaves and grass, to see the sun rise and set.
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