
Mittwoch, 27. Dezember 2017

Happy Birthday Wilson Cruz!

I don't know if I believe in role models. We're all so different; we're all individuals. In the long run, that's what matters.

I’m going to say this once and post it here for anyone who has an issue. I won’t be spending my time arguing with the few. I’m focusing on the love.
I’m not here for your comfort. That’s not why we are here. We’re here to grow. Star Trek is and has always been here to challenge you to look outside of yourself and to see other people and other experiences in yourself. There is no division between you and me. I am just another human giving and receiving love, just like you. That is all.
You can turn your TV off, sure, but you’ll only be cheating yourself. LGBTQ people aren’t going to just disappear because you put your head in the sand. We share the planet with you. We have always been here. We will always be here. You just don’t want to see us. I’m happy to tell you we won’t be invisible anymore. Not for your comfort. We are living and loving out loud the way our creator intended us to because LOVE is nothing to hide. If my love offends you then you should take a look at that. Love is never wrong. It is the answer. We need MORE of it along with more curiosity and wonder at the diversity within our very own species. That’s no accident. We were all made differently for a reason. How much easier would it be if we were all the same? Perhaps, we aren’t exactly the same so we could do the great work of seeing, appreciating and LOVING those beautiful and quirky differences that make us human. Willful ignorance has only brought us pain and anger and death. I know that’s not what you want.
I humbly suggest you learn the lesson. Star Trek could be a great start. It’s been my experience that if you don’t learn it, the universe, in the end, will find a more personal way to teach it to you. That’s harder. So, learn it with us and open your mind and heart. It’s easier that way.
Good luck.

We still live in a world where you can be shamed into taking your own life for identifying as a Puerto Rican gay man. We still live in a world where you can be fired from your job or denied housing. We still live in a world where I can be denied my right to marry another Puerto Rican gay man. So, you see, my identity is my sword in the fight against prejudice and I hold it high – like a torch.

When your birthday coincides with the end of the year you can’t help but get pensive and take the time to take stock of the last year and begin to plan for the new year. I’m so grateful for the opportunities and lessons of the last year and so excited about all that is on the horizon in the year to come. 
I’m wishing all of you every happiness in the year to come. May you Live Long and Prosper. #2018 

The measure of a friend and an actor is their capacity for listening.

We have VERY long memories. A catastrophe of this size will not be forgotten - not when you’ve lost everything and forced to flee your island because of the negligence of your Govt. We will remember.

Make no mistake, the @gop is celebrating the tax cut they gave themselves today. They just agreed to keep more of their own money in their own pockets and gave the White House resident a windfall while giving you crumbs and fucking healthcare without lube. YIPPEE! See you in 2018

Am I shocked that a “man” who resides in the White House (#NotMyPresident) who owns a corporation is peddling the LARGEST ONE-TIME CORPORATE TAX CUT IN U.S. history? No. But I am disgusted and FURIOUS!

I’d like to go on record to say, generally speaking, I know what you’re saying. Stop asking. It’s a pet peeve, know what I’m sayin’?

Have you SEEN my uniform? I can’t eat ICE CREAM!

work! Werk!! WURQUE!

Very much like me, Culber doesn't care if you're annoyed with a beautiful melody. That's YOUR stuff! LOL

Giving you all a peek Into the endless possibilities the universe presents.

I may have slept until 1pm today. Don’t judge me... I’m talking to myself.

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