
Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2016

Happy Birthday Robert Picardo!

Prosthetic make-up is very constricting to wear. The actors who are most successful in it are willing to be very expressive to make the make-up look real and move real. Working in make-up is more emotional acting than regular acting, like you're singing an aria; you let it invade your whole body.

On how the success of "Stargate SG-1" has surpassed that of Star Trek in recent years: I am always amazed when I travel abroad that Stargate has become huge. It's huge in Britain. It's far eclipsed Star Trek. It's now huge in Germany. I understand they're making big inroads in other countries.

If Picard can baldly go, why not Picardo?

I came to the Star Trek franchise a little late. I got into it, I married a woman who's a big Star Trek fan, so, even though I was not into it when I was a kid, in order to court my wife I had to go to Star Trek movies. You know, I think she had a thing for Captain Kirk, right when she was hitting puberty -- which is really when they get you! And, uh, I really grew to understand and appreciate the quality of Star Trek storytelling. And then, when I joined the Voyager franchise, and really became knowledgeable about Star Trek -- and watched more and more of the other shows, that preceded us -- I think that I became a Star Trek fan in my own right, as well as a Star Trek actor.

Watch your tongue... Or I'll remove it.

Hüten Sie Ihre Zunge, oder ich entferne sie.

I am always amazed when I travel abroad that Stargate has become huge. It's huge in Britain. It's far eclipsed Star Trek . It's now huge in Germany. I understand they're making big inroads in other countries.

Die war doch rein therapeutisch!

Hello, bright boy.

Und wenn sie fette violette Protoplasmatropfen sind?

Don’t you know anything?

Na schön, ich werde nun in das Kraftfeld eintreten und mit ein paar Scans Ihrer mittleren Sektion beginnen. Ach ja, ich bin ein Hologramm und kann nicht gebrochen, gewürgt oder verstümmelt werden. Also versuchen Sie es gar nicht erst. 

You know me, but I don’t know you. Why is that?

So fängt es an. Medizinische Bagatellfälle sind jetzt mein Gebiet. Für jede laufende Nase, jeden verstauchten Zeh, für jeden aufgekratzten Pickel bin ich jetzt zuständig.

Electomagnetic Pulse. As in the kind generated by the detonation of a nuclear device? I doubt that the toy industry has become quite that competitive.

Wenn jemand Tuvok provozieren kann, Mr. Neelix, dann Sie.

Missing! The captain is missing! It seems I've found myself on the voyage of the damned. 

Nihiliphobie: Die Furcht vor dem Nichts. Oder verständlicher ausgedrückt: Die Furcht .......vor dem Nichts.

She is the healthiest member of her species I have ever seen. She is the only member of her species I have ever seen. You have a lovely brain. It will make a fine addition to our files.

Keine Sorge, ich werde Sie nicht küssen. Ich kontrolliere nur die Einstellungen der Röhre.

I'm a doctor, Mr. Neelix, not a decorator.

Wundervoll. Aus der Tiefkühltruhe direkt ins Feuer!

Don't worry, I'm not going to kiss you, I'm only adjusting the restraint. 

Denkt denn niemand daran das Programm zu deaktivieren, wenn er die Krankenstation verlässt?"

First they tell me there’s no doctor, so I have to be on call 24 hours a day. And then they tell me there are no nurses, so I have no one to assist me. 

Hm, mal sehen... Aha... Ich weiß was wir machen... 20 Einheiten Salpetersäure. Etwas sprichwörtliches Salz in die Wunde.

Like I said -- no one to assist me.

Ich habe kein Leben, ich habe ein Programm.

Keine Sorge Mr. Neelix, ich nähe alle Gliedmaßen wieder an. Wenn Sie sie mitbringen.

Let's see ... you ran your ship through it, fired phasers at it, and blew a hole in it with a photon torpedo. I'd say it's a pretty good chance that you did some fairly significant...

Ich habe ein vertrauenswürdiges Gesicht.

How many times do I have to tell you, Madam? I'm a Doctor, not a bartender.

Berichte über meine Dekompilierung sind maßlos übertrieben.

I'm a doctor, not a voyeur.

Willkommen auf der Krankenstation, ziehen Sie eine Nummer...

I shouldn't have to remind you ... I'm a doctor...

All of us have violent instincts. We have evolved from predators ... Well, not me, of course. I've just been programmed by you predators.

I was inspired by the presence of a master.

He's a sick man. This is where sick people come. [The patient dies.] 
He's a very sick man. 

Not to mention my hairline.

Make a wish, and follow it wherever it leads you.

Wishing you that this year is filled with friends and fun.

On your big day you are wished all that you hope for, all that you dream of, all that makes you happy.

I wish you to celebrate all the wonderful things that make you so special, not just on your special day, but on every day of the year!

May your birthday bring a smile to your face, happiness to your heart and many blessings to your life.

May the brightest wishes on your day shine every path of yours in good and bad times.

May your big day be as special as you are special to me.

May you sail through all the obstacles and challenges to success.

Have a magical bday with love and hugs.

Life may be full of challenges but there will always be people around you to support you in your time of need.

It's my birthdayyyyyyy!! I am proud to be in show business for 39 years and to I still love what I do. Come see me

Same-sex marriage is the law of the land! In a five-four decision, the Supreme Court upholds our Constitution.

Cool day !! Nothing like a good dose of science to make your day special!! 

Okay: indulge me, please – –if Donald Trump were a Starfleet  Captain,what would be his Prime Directive?

Prosthetic make-up is very constricting to wear. The actors who are most successful in it are willing to be very expressive to make the make-up look real and move real. Working in make-up is more emotional acting than regular acting, like you're singing an aria; you let it invade your whole body.

I resent those who say "Trump is an entertainer, not a leader,"     Gives entertainers a bad name....

Donald Trump is my dream candidate – speaking as a Democrat. I hope and pray that he wins the nomination. If you are at Trump fan, we agree!

Culture Wars Dead Horse File: Huckabee and Cruz visit rally for Kim Davis today. If either gets the nomination, he'll have at least  1 vote!

On how the success of Stargate - Kommando SG-1 (1997) has surpassed that of Star Trek in recent years: I am always amazed when I travel abroad that Stargate has become huge. It's huge in Britain. It's far eclipsed Star Trek. It's now huge in Germany. I understand they're making big inroads in other countries.

Great 21 year old clip of Dick Cheney on Meet the Press effectively predicting a war in Iraq would create present Isis reality. Bipolarity?

Balloon gives birth to 55-year-old man. T-shirt like placenta baffles medical/balloon experts. 

Endangered Species Alert:    Javan Rhino, Cross River Gorilla, Republican politicians not running for President , Leatherback Turtle...

Record number of Emmy screeners this year.  My house sitter so glued to the TV my car battery died... 

Experienced my third Carol Channing possession of 2015. Somewhat disappointed it didn't occur on the 31st. 

What do you mean I have a silly life? 

Been left Twitter-speechless the last few days by Donald Trump's comments. Which cartoon character does he most resemble?Foghorn Leghorn?

Water found on Mars! Will Southern California be next?

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