
Freitag, 31. Juli 2015

Happy Birthday Geraldine Chaplin!

Although I went all over the world promoting it, I'd never got to see more than the credits before being whisked away. Finally, at Cannes, I was to sit through the whole thing. When I appeared for the first time, I fainted from the shock - and woke up in the ladies room.

Die Wahrheit ist selten so oder so. Meistens ist sie so und so.

I live in a Swiss village so small, if you sneeze everyone knows.

Ich wohne in einem so kleinen Dorf, wenn du niest wissen das alle.

I thought it'd be easy to get into the movies as Charles Chaplin's daughter. And I suppose it was. Except I wasn't much good as an actress - really terrible at the beginning.

It's the change of rhythm which I think is what keeps me alive. In Spain I hear so much noise from my window that can't stand it. In Switzerland it's the lack of noise that drives me crazy.

Daddy has never seen anything I've done, but he is the best critic I have. He has taught me how to tear down a character. "Slug your guts out" is his philosophy of acting. Never mind the talent, just work hard.

Drugs are marvelous if you want to escape, but reality is so rich, why escape?

I didn't fall in love with acting until I did a few films. Now, I couldn't live without it.

If you make films, you're changing rhythm the whole time. You go from a quiet life to an absolutely turbulent life which is typical of moviemaking. And then you get back to your normal life and you have to have nerves of steel.

I was born in Santa Monica but brought up abroad so I don't use English much.

When I'm depressed and I feel low thinking that good movies are not made any more, then I put on his movies and I watch them. I laugh and I cry and I have great pleasure.

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