
Donnerstag, 19. März 2015

Happy Birthday Frédéric Joliot-Curie!

I have always attached great importance to the manner in which an experiment is set up and conducted ... the experiment should be set up to open as many windows as possible on the unforeseen.

Kein Volk, kein Mensch allein kann den Krieg verhindern. Nur wenn die Völker aller Staaten gemeinsam handeln, können sie dieses Ziel erreichen. 

The farther an experiment is from theory, the closer it is to the Nobel Prize.

Ich bin wie Nobel der Ansicht, dass die Menschheit mehr Gutes als Böses aus den neuen Entdeckungen gewinnen kann.

It is because I know all that science can bring to the world that I shall continue my efforts to ensure that it contributes to the happiness of all men, whether they be white, black, or yellow, and not to their annihilation in the name of some divine mission or other.

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