
Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2014

Gute Besserung Garrett Wang! Get well soon!

I heard that you are in the hospital. I hope they release you soon because we need you more than they do!

Wir können nicht die Schmerzen nehmen, aber wir leiden mit. Wir sind da und hoffen auf schnelle Genesung.

It’s been so nice seeing you every day; with your humor and kindness but it has been so sad not seeing you. Being ill and out of commission is hard on anyone. Everyone here sends their best wishes for your better health and healing. Take all the time you need to get well and know that when you return, there will be many happy faces that you will see.

Wir danken, dass es Dich gibt und wünschen uns eine schnelle Genesung, weil wir Dich brauchen!

Get well soon! Everyone here misses your smiling face. Nothing has been the same since you became ill. No one tells a joke like you do; so please hurry and get well fast!

Heilung braucht Zeit. Diese Zeit wünschen wir. Geduld und Ruhe mögen Dich begleiten.

Get well cards have become so humorous that if you don't get sick you're missing half the fun.
Flip Wilson

Alles Liebe möge Dich begleiten und alle Hoffnung Dir Kraft geben.

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein

Mögest du so verheilen, wie der Baum seine Blätter kriegt, möge Deine Lebenslust und Enegie dich bald genesen lassen.

Positive anything is better than negative nothing.
Elbert Hubbard

Lass Dich von Deiner Krankheit nicht unterkriegen, denn du bist stärker als jede Krankheit der Welt. Werd bald wieder gesund! 

Well, Art is Art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know.
Groucho Marx

Alles Gute! Schöne Grüße!
Komm bald wieder auf die Füße!
Und eines weist du sicherlich
wir vermissen Dich!

Humor is reason gone mad.
Groucho Marx

Daß die Vögel der Sorge und des Kummers
über Deinem Haupte fliegen,
kannst Du nicht ändern.
Aber daß sie Nester
in Deinem Haar bauen,
das kannst Du verhindern.
Chinesische Weisheit

I reckon being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill and is not obliged to work till one is better.
Samuel Butler

I wonder why you can always read a doctor's bill and you can never read his prescription.
Finley Peter Dunne

Warning:  Humor may be hazardous to your illness.
Ellie Katz

It is a mathematical fact that fifty percent of all doctors graduate in the bottom half of their class.

Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill.
Johnny Carson

You have a cough?  Go home tonight, eat a whole box of Ex-Lax - tomorrow you'll be afraid to cough.
Pearl Williams

To array a man's will against his sickness is the supreme art of medicine.
Henry Ward Beecher

Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well and in the kingdom of the sick.  Although we all prefer to use only the good passport, sooner or later each of us is obliged, at least for a spell, to identify ourselves as citizens of that other place.
Susan Sontag

After two days in the hospital, I took a turn for the nurse.
W.C. Fields

I learned a long time ago that minor surgery is when they do the operation on someone else, not you.
Bill Walton

Enduring habits I hate.... Yes, at the very bottom of my soul I feel grateful to all my misery and bouts of sickness and everything about me that is imperfect, because this sort of thing leaves me with a hundred backdoors through which I can escape from enduring habits.
Friedrich Nietzsche

The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they'll ease
Your will they'll mend
And charge you not a shilling.
Sleep, riches, and health to be truly enjoyed must be interrupted.  
Johann Paul Friedrich Richter

If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease.
Robert Ingersoll

The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience.  Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around.... Throughout history, "tender loving care" has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing.
Larry Dossey

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